Chapter 51 Thief

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Sheng Wang also withdrew his hand and stood up straight.

"Finally finished writing." He muttered, picked up his phone and opened the app and asked, "Get something to eat, I'm starving to death. What do you want to eat?"

"Just don't be too weird."

Jiang Tian is the complete opposite of Sheng Wang. This person is not picky at all when he eats, no matter whether it is delicious or bad, he can swallow it without changing his face. If you ask him how it tastes, he will answer you: "It's okay."

If you encounter him in a bad mood, you can reduce another word to "eatable".

Ever since Shengwang started to eat outside Wutong, old man Ding seemed to be born again. He pointed at Jiang Tian more than once and complained to Sheng Wang, saying: "This kid has no sense of taste. I put more salt, less sugar, soy sauce or vinegar, and he can't taste it!"

Occasionally, the old man invented a new dish on a whim, but Jiang Tian couldn't find it. Every time, the old man had to show his old face and point to the plate and ask: "Look, I made a new dish, how is it?"

Then the bastard showed a hint of surprise and said, "Haven't you done it before?"

The old man was so angry that he wanted to whip him with chopsticks.

When Shengwang first went there, the old man heard that the kid was very picky, and thought he would be annoying, so he didn't expect much. But the next day, he found out that he had made a big mistake-he just replaced the sharp green pepper with Hangzhou pepper when frying the shredded pork. Sheng Wang ate it and said he liked the new one better.

Old man Ding felt that he had found a treasure on the spot.

This made Jiang Tian very puzzled for a while, and once he couldn't hold back, he asked the old man why while he was in the kitchen.

The old man said confidently: "I like you, why else?"

At that time, Jiang Tian was facing the bowls and chopsticks in the sink, and said casually, "Is there any?"

"It's not pleasing, can you bring him here?" The old man said without hesitation, "You still use my words to deceive people to eat, and you can pretend that I don't know?"

Jiang Tian drained the water in the bowl, and refused to admit it: "When did I trick you."

Old man Ding snorted, expressing that he was too lazy to learn from the younger generation.

He smacked for a moment, and then added: "A picky person has a good tongue, knows what's good, and he's better at boasting than you."

Jiang Tianxin said that it is really easy to deceive when he is old.

In short, old man Ding and Shengwang hit it off across the gap of sixty years old. Since then, the old man started his journey of invention, and he came up with some inexplicable dishes every three days. I don't know east, west, north, south. In the end, it was Jiang Tian who was unlucky.

Since he can eat anything, new dishes are pushed in front of him first to confirm that they are edible, and only the old and the young move their chopsticks.

After that, Jiang Tian developed a new habit - he would always ask "don't be too weird" when eating, because some people are hard to guard against when they act like monsters.

Sheng Wang laughed as soon as he heard the request, and slid his head on the screen of the phone, he didn't know what he was holding back, but it diluted the subtle embarrassment of the last moment.

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