part one

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London, June 1815

London welcomed Harry back with a warm breeze, the sun shining, and the flowers blooming in time for summer. It had been two years since he'd seen these streets with the grand, Georgian mansions, the small shops with the friendly owners, welcoming patrons inside, and all the familiar faces. He smiled as he looked out his carriage window, spotting the Atkin's daughter, Lux, playing hopscotch, Mr. Corden reading today's newspaper with his wife on a bench, and even Mrs. Grimshaw with her son, Nicholas, as they strolled out of the tea shop with a bag of pastries in hand.

His heart warmed and he couldn't help but smile to himself. It had been a long two years away in Paris, and while he'd been eager to go and pursue his dreams of learning different art techniques at Gerard Williams Art Institute, he was happy to be back home.

Nothing felt as good as being home.

He could tell from the familiar streets that they were nearing his family's manor and he looked down at his shirt and trousers, straightening himself up to look more presentable after his long journey. His parents were supposed to be home to welcome him, but he knew it was the busiest time of the year with the social season upon them, and they might be out by the time he arrived. Every day there were events and games to attend during the day, tons of gossip shared during teatime, and balls and operas to finish off the night.

Harry was sure his family was invited to almost everything as they were a sociable bunch, plus his father was a big man around here since he had one of the larger estates in town. Harry would have inherited all their land had he been an alpha. Deep down, Harry always wondered if it bothered his parents to have an omega son who wouldn't inherit and take over their estate, but they'd always shown him nothing but love and support.

Harry's sister, Gemma, was a beta, and she married Mr. James Holloway from Norwich three years ago. After that, his father spoke with the couple about taking over the Styles estate and manor when it was time. They'd agreed graciously and were expecting their first child soon. Gemma wrote to him about a month ago, telling him that she'd been ordered to bedrest until she gave birth, which she hated because she'd be missing all the action this summer.

"We've arrived, my lord," Harry's driver, Simon, announced from the front.

Harry looked outside and sure enough, there was the Styles manor, a spacious and vast brownstone with vines of ivy covering it along the edges. Simon opened the carriage door for Harry, helping him out while the footmen gathered all of his belongings from the back.

"Thank you, Simon," he said to the driver before addressing the butlers. "And thank you, Fred and Victor. You may take those to my bedroom."

They nodded in acknowledgment and the doorman held the door open for Harry, offering him a kind smile, which Harry returned. Upon entering the house, Harry was hit with the warm smell of apple pie and earl gray tea. He walked around the foyer, the living room where they entertained guests, and the dining room, yet he couldn't find his parents anywhere. Maybe he had missed them, after all. "Mum?" Harry called out. "Are you home?"

Moments later, he heard footsteps scurrying down the stairs, and his name being called by his mother, Anne. "Harry!"

"Mum!" He rounded the dining room and to the front hall where the stairs to the second floor were. Anne beamed at him as she pulled him into a big hug, and Harry couldn't help but sag in relief at being back in his mother's familiar arms. "I'm so happy to see you."

"I'm so happy to see you, too, pup," Anne cooed, her sweet honey scent emanating from her. "Oh goodness, you've grown so tall. I can't believe it!"

"I was just about your height when I left, wasn't I?" Harry grinned cheekily as he pulled back to look at his mum. She looked just as beautiful and vibrant as always, green eyes sparkling and lips painted a shade of mauve pink. His mother was an omega like him, and he was proud to say they were very similar in all their mannerisms and interests.

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