Chapter 33; Waking Up....... oof!

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I think the patient seems stable

Heartbeat  getting back to normal
It's okay nurses, we did well, let's go

"Chloe, you're going to put us in trouble!"
" Oh shush Jason, admit for once you miss Amber"
" Isn't nine days a bit too much?, thought it was a headache"
" I don't know Jayden, I'm not the doctor"
" Shut up Ella, you're disturbing Amber"
" Chloe!, What are you doing?!"
" What?, Locking the door of course and I don't want a nurse worrying us, besides I told you to confess, you have to, maybe she doesn't want to wake up because you did something wrong"

" What!!??'
" I said you guys did something!, sheesh, I admitted I burrowed her makeup and books okay?, and I sneaked us here too"

" What if she forgets us?"
" It can be true"
" Thanks for that encouragement Zach"
" You're welcome"
'" Then, talk to her damnit"
I think my hand got squeezed
" Please don't forget us Amber and don't die"..  

Their sooo emotional these da-, wait, did I just hear them talk?, I guess I woke up then............
"Chloe, I want another snack!"
" Yes!"
" You are guys are kids "
"You're no exemption Scotty!"
" Guys?"
" Don't start your tease Jayden, I hate you" Ella glared
" GUYS!!"
" What!!!??"
" SHE WOKE UP" all seven eyes turned
on me and I smiled weakly. " Water" I barely said in a whisper
" I'll get it!" Chloe and Jayden said and fell on the floor trying to push each other and pull their legs on the way, Zack shaked his head and brought me water

"How long have I been out?'
" Nine days - ow!" Chloe and Chris smacked Jayden
" What?, It's not like you were going to tell her anyways"
" Oh really, you think.............." And they bickered for two extra hours. I was too busy taking in what I just recovered, I really need to see Cindy and April
Snap snap snap

"Back to earth Amber, I was telling you we'll be going before that old man finds out we've been sneaking in here" Scott said
" Thanks, all of you, I really think- oof !" Chloe hugged me like an elephant and sniffed
" See you tomorrow and don't tell Uncle Grey I woke up, you know what I mean" we grinned mischievously and they went

- Five Minutes Later -
I looked at the pendant and wished I would see her. I heard a noise in the vents, it was not loud but I noticed, down came April Katrina Anderson with Cindy. That was fast.
"I'm gonna go back and let you have your sister moment" Cindy went to God knows where
" I'm sure you know everything Rose " Rosina sat beside me and wiped my tears as I choked back a sob

" Why did you go Rosina?why?"I said even though we both knew it was the only way
" Oh Amber, of course I won't just work for them, I made a plan " she paused " to stop Ana "
" Wait, you know where she is?"
" She's behind everything, literally everything, even your attacks, she doesn't know yet, you only have five days and this is what we must do, tell Uncle Grey tomorrow, heard your pranking plan, you haven't changed at all"
"Of course she hasn't" Cindy came,
" we  did lots of those at home, it was really fun"I shaked my head
" Thank you for saving me Cindy"
" I didn't really but no biggie Lara, we don't have much time, now................................


I bet this is confusing but this is the fun part!, read till the eeennnnddddd
I really have to go to school and I got three days!!!!!!!!
*Groans* postpone it please!!!
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