Chapter 10; Crazy siblings, Runaway

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****** minutes later*****
I'm excitedly putting more and more books on the table, remind me how it feels like being lost in dreams and fantasies, romance ooo , not bad. I was passing by when a book caught my attention. Empires? Huh, I shrugged and added it. Finally some me time, I was about to sit when- " whoa, don't tell me you are about to read all of these, l mean all these!!!!. Hats off to you" a boy around my age came outta nowhere. Wait, first of all, excuse me you almost made me jump to freaking space ( I know I'm exaggerating but please don't interrupt the drama? Thank you) I said in my head, I'm shocked though.

I relaxed and giggled. " Oh these books are small since I just got here so I decided to start wi- "
"Small?" He cut me off totally shocked . "You call these small? , Wow, just wow, I'm totally speechless right now, how are you doing this?" Oooooookay? "Wait a second, you just barge in here, no,no,no who are you anyway" I narrowed my eyes at him. I'm not ready for another kidnapping, not yet. "Oh sorry about that, let me introduce myself I'm Jayden the twin of an annoying brother with a sister, don't wanna talk about and my parents work here " he said and ended with a bow.

Huh, typical, it's like I heard my inner self scoff. "Well I'm Amber Anderson by the way and- "  "Anderson?, wait you're Miss Cindy's cousin right?" He cut me off, again.
" Whatever, I don't know why I'm a cousin to a dumb person with no fashion sense" oh no why did I say that to a total stranger! "Why are we talking, now if you'll excuse me"
"Oh don't worry I totally agree with you on that" he said behind me that made me stop dead in my tracks. " Wait, what? , wait a second though why are you here? Why am I even talking to you, why does it look like you are stalking me and why do you look familiar? No wait you are going to kidnap me are you? Why am I- sorry I'm just gonna go" I stopped my blabber turning red from total embarrassment.

Nice one there way to go. Just shut up you " wait up, can we be friends? " He said with puppy eyes and I scoffed," No, why should we and I don't  trust you, besides we just met "  " no worries but- "
" Jaaaaaayyyyyydddeeeeenn!!! Where are you?" A girl a bit older than me looking like Jayden was coming over. " You little brat, you lousy, lazy, little rat, you think you can get away after pranking me with Jason? Oh I'll show you, where is Jason book worm where is he? Now you better-" I left there as my legs could carry me. Well, he's dead, oh, book worm? I giggled . Well I gotta go read.

Well people this chapter is a bit long? So what's your idea of Jayden?, what's your impression of his personality? I'd like to know. Thanks for your support

Lots of love

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