Chapter 2

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Jessica and I had 20 minutes to kill before we could head back to the You Me At Six merch table and the whole time I had to sit on the ground to try and process exactly what had just happened. My heart was racing so fast and my cheeks were bright red from thinking about exactly what might happen when I went back to that tent. I had no clue what I was in for. Jess seemed just as excited as I was.

When the 20 minutes was just about up, we slowly made our way back to the table. The whole way there I tried my hardest to keep a straight face and too not seem too eager or desperate to be talking to Josh again. As we neared the table the line of fans had cleared out, the rest of the band had went somewhere else and Josh sat patiently behind the merch table chatting with their merch guy. I tried to gather up all my courage and confidence as I walked towards the table.

"You came back," Josh looked up to me with a huge smile as he stoked up from his chair to walk around the table. There he stood beside me as handsome as ever.

"Just as you asked," I nodded and smiled shyly.

"We didn't get a chance to actually formally talk. I'm Josh." He smirked.

As if I didn't already know who he was…maybe he was just being polite.

"Sia," I smiled and shook his hand.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" He smiled and winked at me.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I stared shyly at the ground and bit my lower lip.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"Would you like to come back to the bus girls?" Josh asked his tone of voice excited.

"I know Sia would." Jess giggled and nudged me. What a silly joke. I nearly wanted to hit her in the face. Love the girl but man was I nervous.

"Good," Josh smiled and made a simple gesture of grabbing my hand to lead me to the bus.

Jess followed right by my side, occasionally looking over at me to wink and make obscene gestures. Yes Jess, because I was going to hook up with a rock star (god knows I wanted too), but I hardly think I am his type. I never really thought of myself as being a desirable person. Getting this much attention was something new to me.

As we got inside the bus the rest of the guys were sitting there playing video games. They popped their heads up at us the moment we walked in.

"Oi! Mate, who are these lovely birds?" Dan hollered over at us.

My face turned even redder than it had been when I was outside as I looked over at Jess and poked her ribs. "Lovely" I whispered in her ear.

"Guys, this is Sia and her friend Jess" Josh explained as he gestured to the both of us.

"Welcome ladies," Max grinned and winked.

"Did you want to come with me to the back and talk?" Josh looked at me, still holding my hand.

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to produce actual words so I managed to nod at him.

"Jess, you can join us if you'd like, or, you can stay out here and play games with the guys?" Josh added and looked over and Jess.

"Oi! Come play with us love!" Max hollered and nearly jumped from the floor to grab Jess.

"Apparently I am playing video games." Jess smiled and winked at me as she walked over to the rest of the guys and took a seat in between Max and Chris.

I looked back over at Josh with shy eyes and butterflies in my stomach as he led me into the back where he sleeps. I let go of his hand and walked over to sit on the bed, crossing my legs and folding my hands on my lap, nervously playing with the seam of my shorts.

"You're quite beautiful you know," Josh said as he shut the door and walked over to sit beside me.

I looked at him silently, blushing and stuck my tongue out at him. "Hardly." I mumbled.

"Shh. Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked, looking at me seriously.

"Definitely not." I said.

"Is it okay if I kiss you love?" He looked almost as shy as I did. How was this happening?

I couldn't bring myself to form words anymore so I nodded and moved my hand from the seam of my shorts to his chest. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to me before looking him in the eyes and then looking at his lips. Where was this courage coming from? I was shocked. He took advantage of my sudden stillness and closed the gap between us, placing his lips on mine. A shiver went up my back as I felt him reach around me to pull me closer to him. This small kiss was only starting to get a little heated.

I moved from my sitting position and managed to sit on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck as he had one arm wrapped around my waist and his other hand cupped around my cheek. After a few minutes of intense making out we pulled a few inches apart, still wrapped in each other's arms, panting.

"Wow," was the only thing I managed to say.

He looked at me with so much frustration, the butterflies in my stomach multiplied. He pulled my face back to his and resumed kissing. He moved me from his lap and gently laid me down on the bed as he hovered over top of me, his hands roaming up and down my sides as he kissed me.

I had a feeling I knew where this was about to head and as much as he was turning me on, there was no way I was giving in this easy. I didn't want this to be a one-time thing. I took this moment to voice my concerns.

We broke the kiss so I could catch my breath, his lips continued to travel down my neck.

"Josh," I panted and moved one of my hands to run my fingers through his tasseled hair.

"Yes love?" He answered sweetly, his voice thick as his lips still moved down my neck.

"I have a question, a serious one." I asked, my voice cracking from both fear and pleasure.

He paused at my lips before backing up a bit to look at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, searching my face.

"I don't want this to only be a one-time thing. I don't just want to fuck and not ever see you again." My voice cracked as I spoke, wondering if I should have just kept my mouth shut and just go along with everything. But I honestly couldn't ignore what I was feeling.

"I don't want it to be a one-time thing either." He gave me a small reassuring smile.

"So can we wait then? Just make out, cuddle and watch some movies. That way, next time I see you, there is something to look forward too" I suggested.

"I guess that works" He smiled and kissed me lightly on the lips and rolled off of me to lie beside me. He pulled me closer to him. I laid my leg over top of both of his and rested my head on his chest.

"Yes this works," He said and kissed the top of my head. "Holding someone feels nice, especially holding you."

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