The Feur siblings all looked at each other with wide smile, then back to Elrond. " none can escape it, you will unite or you will fall." All the eyes look around with curiosity, all trying to get whatever answers from the ones around them. " Each race is bound to this fate.. this one doom!" Fate? Why did this feel like a sign, Tari knew this was probably all in her head as most things were. But when Elrond looked at her she knew it wasn't. Whatever Elrond was about to tell everyone was her and her brothers destiny.

Elrond then turned to Frodo with his right arm outstretched. " Bring forth the ring Frodo." Frodo's tiny body slowly stood up to make his way to the pillar in front of Elrond, he placed the ring down then made his way back to his seat. The tension in the air made everyone uncomfortable, they all tried to shake the feeling that arose in them.

" So it is true." A man from across Tari said breaking the silence making her eyes snap towards him, to her he looked not quite like himself. Tari had not known the man but she could see it in his eyes.

Whispers then filled her ears, she looked around but no one was talking. Had she been hearing things? But the voice was evil sounding, she gasped and looked down at the ring. Black speech. Her father had told her of it. He only told her she would know what it was just by hearing it, and she believed she had just then heard it.

The voice got louder. But the same man from Gondor stood up, drawing her gaze back to him. " In a dream I saw the eastern sky grow dark." What is he doing? Tari thought to herself while pinching the bridge of her nose. "but a pale blue sky lingered, the voice is crying."

Aegnor and Tari were both trying not to laugh, Callon was picking at his nails with his sword obviously bored. The man then made his way to the ring " the doom is near at hand." Aegnor let out a laugh but quickly covered it up with a cough. But no one seemed to notice, so the three Feur's look to each other with a smirk. "Sodium's pain is found." The man inched closer to the ring with each word.

Tari caught glances with Aragon her eyes widen expecting him to look at her with disgust, but he smiles which she politely returns. Her attention then turns to the Gondor man trying to grab the ring. "Isildur's Bane." Was he a fool? Tari thought to herself. The warm glow of the sun vanished and darkness replaced it. Elrond and the wizard both shot up from their chairs, the wizard stands and begins to chant in the Black Speech. The ring echoes harsh words. Thunder crackles as the sky still darkens. The Council stare around in fear and confusion.

The voice of the Ring dies away. The thunder comes to a stop. People resume their seats, horrified, Boromir amongst them.

" Never before has a voice uttered the words of that tounge here in imladris." The wizard was about to leave but stopped and looked to Elrond. The wizards voice was raspy from the force of the words and the language "I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond, for the Black Speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West! The ring is altogether evil!"

He gives the man of Gondor a final scathing glance and resumes to his seat. But the man doesn't give up " "It is a gift. A gift to the foes of Mordor." He then looks around at the Council. "Why not use this Ring?" He begins to pace around. "Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe! Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him!"

'Oh great here we go.' Tari whispered to herself. Callon chuckled from beside her. "You cannot wield it! None of us can. The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master." Aragon argued. Yet the man still didn't give up, Tari needed to know how this man did it.

"And what would a ranger know of this matter?" A figure shot up in the corner of her eye, she turned to see the Prince of Mirkwood. Legolas, also known as the prince of the kingdom that hates the Feur's the most. "This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."

THE OTHER SIDE - LegolasWhere stories live. Discover now