Family meeting

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(Warning: Homophobic remarks depending on the choice along with the mention of drinking.)


It had been a year since the incident, and Y/n wanted to try something.

They pressed their hand into the TV, grabbing onto Steven's wrist. They took him with them. "Mom! Dad! I'm home! I brough a friend!" Y/n called. It had been 2-3 days since they had last been in their room.

Steven was too busy admiring the posters of him and his friends on the walls. 

Your POV

"Feel free to watch anything." you say, tossing him the remote. It was a mistake. A huge one. The first thing he did was search 'Steven Universe' and pressed episode 1. You groan, "Really?? Didn't you already get over that?" he shook his head.

He ended up watching all of Steven Universe. "Wow, my life is really depressing." he mumbles, and you laugh, "But there is more." he looks shocked, "More?" you roll your eyes, "Ready for the movie??" he shakes his head, "I'm all Stevened out for one day."

You chuckle, "Never thought that would come out of your mouth." and he pouts.
You realize, and thank, that the shows didn't change, even when you fell into that reality.

After a good hour or two, you decide it's time for him to meet your family. You walk out the door to your room, looking side to side before giving him a thumbs up for him to come out. You and Steven make it to the kitchen unnoticed.

There was a scream. You turn to see Will pointing at Steven. You chuckle, "I managed, don't ask me how." He ended up pestering Steven with questions to the point that he had made himself a solitary pink bubble around himself as you prepared breakfast.

His gem was just a tattoo at the moment, and just like yours, it still was able to display its power.

You took this as an opportunity to look at him closer. Steven's hair was more realistic, little tufts of hair making its usual unnatural state. He had tiny, almost unnoticeable freckles near the nose (which was slightly rosy), and his cheeks looked like someone had put a small amount of blush on them.

His eyes were a nice shade of auburn, and you could see the dark-purple bags under his eyes. It was clear he was tired, so you picked up your brother (with your strength from your gem) and lightly tossed him onto the couch.

"Will." you say, and the small 12-year-old boy looks up. "Can't you see he's exhausted?" he looked over to Steven, and then hung his head. "Sorry." he mumbles, and Steven laughs, "This is insane. I mean, I'm a TV show for children? It's still hard to wrap my head around. I watched it myself! Or the first part anyway." You and Will join him milliseconds later.

Your parents enter the house (they were at work, and they carpool a lot). "Who's this?" your father asks, and you smile. "Mom, Dad, this is Steven." you say, pointing to the boy who was still recovering from his fit of laughter. He dropped his bubble and walked over to your parents.

"Hello." he says holding out his hand, "I'm Steven Universe, Y/n's boyfriend." your father was the one who took it saying, "Likewise." when he let go, Steven gave you a questioning gaze: 'What does Likewise mean?' you gave him a thumbs up, and you could see him relax slightly.

~ If you're a boy ~

"You're (sexuality)?!?" your mother screeched, and you turned to her. You never bothered coming out to your family. William obviously knew, you had told him after a meltdown. You didn't expect her to walk up and slap you. "Get out of my house, you fag." and she shoved you and Steven out the door.

You didn't know how to react. Your mother had never been rude to you before.

You could hear arguing from the closed door, and you dragged Steven with you, trying to ignore the stinging pain in your cheek and the pang from your chest. You looked over to see Steven, who was pink and crying. He wiped one of his tears (which were ironically pink) and pressed it against your cheek. The physical pain went away, but you still felt that pang of sorrow.

He pulled you in for a small kiss, but it didn't make the situation any better.

Then, you and Steven bumped into Jack and his gang. "WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU??" he screamed at you, and you flinched. "WE GOT INTROUBLE FOR UNDERAGE DRINKING WHILE YOU WALKED AWAY SCOTT FREE!! WHAT HAPPENED??"

He slapped you. You laughed and said, "If I got a dollar for every time this happened, I would have two dollars." you could see Steven trying to hold in his laughter. Jack turned to him, "What are you looking at? Freak." and you punched the gut in the face.

"Don't you dare talk to my boyfriend like that, you jerk." you growl, and the group was running before you knew it. You and Steven decided to go to the park to take your minds off of everything that happened in the past 10 minutes.

~ If you're a girl ~

"You couldn't pick someone better?" Your mother complained, and you stared at her in shock. "W-what-?" you stutter, and before you had time to react, she shoved you and Steven out the door and slammed it in your faces. "Call me when you ditch him!" she yells, and you step off the porch.

You could hear your brother's shock and dad's yelling from inside. You knew that your mother wouldn't change her mind. She never does.

Tears started pouring down your face, and Steven pulled you into a hug. You were shaking. But not because you were scared or sad. It was rage. Anger. "You, could she??" you seethed, but it was muffled by his shirt.

He made you look up at him. "It's okay." he sighed, giving you a peck on the lips.

Then, you walked into 'your' friend group. "Oh, there you are!" Savanah said, "We were looking for you! Got that application finished yet?" then, Steven caught her eye. "Who's this~?" she asked flirtatiously. You growled, ticked off. 

Steven looked at you, and you shook your head. He nodded. "Nobody to you." he says, wrapping an arm around your waist. You squeak but say nothing. Savanah's face reddens, and you smirk. Then, Steven picks you up bridal style, and carries you to the nearest park bench, away from them.

You sit for a while, but then decide that the group was watching you, and you're up and moving in no time at all.

~ If you have no pronouns (they/them) ~

Your mother didn't say a word. She kicked you out along with Steven silently.
You didn't have anything to say to her. You wanted nothing to do with her.

You stormed down the street, him trailing close behind. You get a few text messages, some threatening from your group chat. You ignore them and continue walking, but slowing down so Steven can catch up with you.


Steven picked a dandelion. He held it out to you, and you blew it in his face. He dropped the stem, rubbing his face. It only made the situation worse, and you laughed. You grabbed his hands and brushed off his face.

He turned away and spit in the grass. A new bunch of dandelions grew, and you pointed out, "You know those are weeds, right?" his face turned to horror; and he picked them immediately, stuffing them in his pockets.

You were laughing like a maniac, and he shouldered you jokingly, saying, "Wow, way to ruin the moment." you giggled, "I know."

You wanted to stay like this forever; but everything has to end someday, right?

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