Chapter 14: The Deal

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"Before I can figure that out, I have to deal with you." Yukio said, as he turned around and saw Yumi down the street.

The grey haired Shinobi spawned icicles and aimed one of her folding fans at Yukio.

"Yukio, slayer of Orochi. I am Yumi, shinobi from Gessen girls academy. I politely ask that you come with me." Yumi stated.

"I'm guessing you won't take no for an answer?" Yukio asked.

"If you refuse to come with, then I'll have no choice but to use force. I may kill you if I must." Yumi threatened.

"Of course, I'm not good at fighting, so I won't refuse. However, I'd like to negotiate a deal instead." Yukio said.

"You think you're in a position to make demands?" Yumi questioned.

"Yep. The deal is threat I'll go with you, under one condition, I need your help with something." Yukio offered.

Yumi stared at Yukio for a couple seconds, "Very well, if it's within my capabilities, I will assist you."

"Great, thank you so much. After this, I will go you, even if it's to the depths of hell." Yukio exaggerated, and immediately changed his voice to a serious tone. "There is a group of Evil Shinobi targeting my friends. I need to stop them before that happens. Will you help me with that?"

"Who are these evil Shinobi, and how do you know they will attack your friends?" Yumi asked, suspicious of Yukio.

"I...was told by my Sensei that he'd been attacked by evil Shinobi, and he said they might be going after me and my friends next." Yukio lied.

I don't know if I'm still unable to talk about Death's Restart, but she wouldn't believe me even if I could.

"I see, do you know where your friends are?" Yumi asked.

"They could be back at their dorm, I'm gonna start there." Yukio said, as he turned around, and rushed to the girls' dorm. Yumi followed behind him.

They arrived at the dorm. Yumi knocked on the door, while Yukio was out-of-breath from running. Katsuragi answered the door, and greeted Yukio.

"Hey, Yukio. How are you holding up?" Katsuragi's said.

"I've got bad news for you girls. There's a group of Evil Shinobi targeting us." Yukio warned. "They attacked Kiriya-Sensei, and they are coming for us next."

"Is Kiriya-Sensei ok? He didn't get hurt, did he?" Katsuragi asked.

"H-He's fine, but he warned us that the Shinobi are too strong for us." Yukio said.

The previous death was a clear indication that the girls can't win against them.

"Why are the Evil Shinobi coming after us?" Katsuragi asked.

"I think it has to do with what happened at Hebijo academy." Yukio replied.

However, I don't just think, I know.

"Luckily, I've acquired someone who is willing to help us." Yukio pointed to Yumi, and she bowed to Katsuragi.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Yumi of Gessen Girls Academy. I was originally sent to retrieve Yukio, but we made a deal to help you out." Yumi introduced herself.

"Oh, nice to meet you too. Wait, retrieve Yukio? What deal are we talking about?" Katsuragi asked, suspicious of Yumi.

"A deal that'll stay between me and Yumi, alright?" Yukio intervened.

I know the girls won't accept the deal of me going with her willfully, so I'm gonna keep it a secret.

Yukio let out a sigh of relief, and refocused himself. "Who else is here with you?" He asked.

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