Episode 7: The Peacekeepers

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(This is a long chapter, but mainly because I spent time introducing the Peacekeepers members)

When Gerharde reached the meadow, the meadow was filled with laughter.

"Haha haha haha haha... alright that's enough." Julika laughed.

"Gabriel, Lui quit tickling her."

Gerharde glanced to her right and there was the person who had spoken.


Was one of Luna's many friends. Amara was a part of a group called the Peacekeepers.

The Peacekeepers were unlike any other group that fought in the holy war. The group was made up of different races and they were all pretty powerful.

Amara was from the Goddess race. She has long white hair tied in a high ponytail and the symbol of the Goddess race in her light blue eyes. However, she may be a Goddess but she never wears white, red and orange are the colors she likes to wear. She has a red strip in her hair. And she has earrings that have a pearl attached to it. Although Elizabeth may not know, she is actually her cousin. The reason why she never met her was because Amara really didn't like the Archangel's idea of killing demons or their plan so she had bolted.

She has a very rare power among the Goddess race. Her magical power is Seer or Magic Vision. She would often get glimpses of the future. And her visions would also be accurate and would warn her of upcoming dangers, which is a helpful skill in battle. She found out about Ludocial's plan and had left the Celestial Realm before Elizabeth was born. However, she kept watch over her little cousin from afar. She joined the Peacekeepers so she could fight for what she believed in; peace for all races, protect her little precious cousin from afar and fight for Elizabeth and Meliodas' love.

Gerharde knew every member of the group because she was friends with them all; even though she did get off on the wrong foot when she met them all, especially Luna, and she was their secret keeper, along with Meliodas. As secret keepers they knew every member, knew where their hideouts were, how to find each hideout, and where each member was when they weren't in battle with the rest of the group. And Gerharde was the only person who knew where their weapons were.

"Leave them alone Amara. They're boys. Mischief is most boys' middle name." Chuckled someone sitting not far from Julika. Collette is a Vampire, who happened to be an older cousin to Gelda and was a member of the Peacekeepers. Collette, has long black hair, red eyes and is often seen wearing purple and grey clothes, although, black and gold she wore as well.

As well as being a Vampire, she is was also half Werewolf, she joined the Peacekeepers so that she could fight so Hybrids like herself and many others could be in any race they wanted and have the same rights as other purebreds and not be treated like outsiders. Collette, just like Amara, watched her cousin from afar. Although at first she didn't exactly like the idea of her cousin liking a demon, as long as Gelda was happy she didn't mind who she loved. Also like Amara she had a rare power among Vampires. She had the power of Lightning. She could zap anyone no matter how they tried to hide or where they were. She could also use the power of lightning to make herself stronger.

"Thanks aunty Collette." The two boys exclaimed.

"So you call Collette aunty but not the rest of us?"

Gerharde turned as someone walked out of the shadows and into the meadow.


Now Skylar belongs to the Demon race, and is very different from others of his race. He has black and yellow hair, with a scar across his right eye. He has brown eyes. He also has many piercings, 3 on his left ear and 4 on his right. He was a Demon who disliked violence. A Demon of healing. The only demon who could cancel out an Omega Ark of the Goddess race, his healing powers could damage a Goddess and an Archangel, possibly kill them if he wanted to. He was an old friend of Meliodas's back when he was captain of the Ten Commandments. However, after a very long argument, Skylar left the Demon Realm and took shelter in the Fairy Queens Forest.

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