Episode 2: The Fairy Queen's Forest.

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~4,000 years before the Holy War.~

'Walking through the beautiful forest is amazing.' She thought every day.

Luna could never get enough of it. The amazing views, the gorgeous flower meadows. The fairy animals that played everywhere you looked. The cute Fairy houses that had been built at the top of all the trees, in all shapes and colours.

Luna always enjoyed taking strolls through the forest enjoying the always amazing weather, the very clear lakes, the trees that were all unique to all the others surrounding it. Flowers in different shapes, kinds and colours decorated the forest like a rainbow. Then there was the huge tree at the centre of the forest where Luna lived along with her twin sister, Stella.

The tree protected the most precious treasure in the forest. The tree was similar to the tree at the Fairy King's Forest. Except instead of a fountain it was a waterfall. In the pond at the bottom of the waterfall was an island with a stand. Upon the stand was a cup.

The Fairy Queens Forest is protected by the First Fairy Queen Luna, who has been alive for no one knows how long. But she is also known by many other names, but out of all names she was usually called, The Cursed Fairy. The Fairy Cursed with Immortality. The First fairy Queen and will be the last because the forest cannot survive without its Queen.

Luna had another life. A secret life before she had gone to earth. A secret identity that only a few people knew about, mostly because some of the people who knew didn’t survive to tell the tale. She was known as Nightfall of Truth of the Ten Commandments of the demon realm. She had been a part of the first generation group, which had been created long before any of the current commandments had been born. She had been the leader before Meliodas. Her Commandment was passed onto Galand, who replaced her after she had left due to some unfortunate circumstances.

Her mother had been an ordinary fairy and her dad had been a very powerful demon, whose identity is only known by her, Meliodas and one other person. Her childhood had been nothing but fun for her, due to no one approaching her probably due to being afraid of her. They lived near a village, not in the village because they didn’t want anyone to ruin their peaceful happy lives that they had. Besides Luna didn’t care, she had her parents and her twin sister, so she didn’t want anything else in the world. She loved her life the way it was. But one day when she was only 1 year old, Stella fell ill, she ran down to the nearby village, she came home to see her parents dead and her twin sister was gone. That moment changed everything in her life. After discovering her dead parents she went on a rampage. She didn’t remember much after she had calmed down, so she had no idea how she had ended up in the demon realm or how she had ended up in the Ten Commandments in the first place.

The powers from both her parents had made her so powerful that it had caught the eye of the Demon King. Having someone as powerful as her on your side, well you would have more chance of winning. She believed that her parents had been slaughtered by the Archangels she agreed to be in the Ten Commandments once she had come to her senses. For 1,000 years she served in the ten commandments, however after discovering the truth about who really killed her parents she abandoned the demonic side of her and she fell to earth.

Upon falling to earth a big forest grew around her protecting her as she had fallen onto sacred magical land and sensing her fairy power the sacred land reacted and grew a forest to protect the wounded fairy. When she was able to, she began protecting the forest as payment for protecting her all those years. Then that's when fairies were born from the trees, after her twin sister Stella had found the forest and had found her, that's when it became known as the Fairy Queen's Forest.

However, there's a catch: the Demon king wanted her to be killed for her betrayal, also probably because he was too scared of her power, but the Supreme Deity wanted her to stay alive, so they came to an agreement. Together they created the waterfall of wishes. Or as only the fairies know it, the Waterfall of Revival and Immortality.

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