Letting yourself be Little

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The world was strange most of the time, and there were things that no one could explain and one such example was: the entire population was divided between Littles and Caregivers.

No one knew how this happened or when the first human had their biology modified to be a Littles or Caregivers. Things had been like this for so long that nobody cared anymore, just that was life.

In your early years of life, you were just without instincts, as many said, nothing to worry about. But when they turn 15, everyone begins the process of change. Until the 1980s, their classification was made at school and disseminated to everyone, however, when they realized that this only increased the rate of bullying and suicide, families started to go to the hospital and their classification was informed only to those responsible. A measure that had worked so far.

But the real reason for all this fuss was because Littles were underestimated and treated like incompetent people who couldn't handle being responsible. A whole stigma just for needing care. While Caregivers were strong and brave, those who would carry the brunt of being trusted.

But those who played their roles right knew that wasn't true, to be a Caregiver you needed to be kind and caring, a safe haven, someone strong to care for and provide for your Little. And being a Little was about having the courage to trust your Caregiver, they were the balance point for a Caregiver with their innocent eyes and cute laugh. The Littles were the comfort of humanity.

And within their classifications there were three categories for the Littles: Babies from 1 to 3 years old; Kiddo from 4 to 6 years old and Big Child from 7 to 9 years old. No Littles presented themselves older than that, and their behavior corresponded to their ages. And there were two types for Caregivers: Main and secondary.

And of course, just like sleeping or eating, a Little and a Caregiver had needs. If a Caregiver didn't find a Little by adulthood he would start to develop really worrying symptoms such as: aggression, hallucinations and eventually madness. Likewise, it was a Little, a Little shouldn't go too long without entering his Littlespace, the lack of that time would lead to a lack of appetite, stress, depression and eventually death. The bond between a Little and their Caregiver was the most important thing there was, if a Little was neglected or mistreated by their Caregiver the legal punishment was jail. And if a Little was rejected the probability of survival was nil, it was like physically cutting a cord that connected the two. And if in some eventuality one of the two died, the one who stayed would not live long.

Luckily, over the years agencies have sprung up that have helped Littles and Caregivers without partners find each other and bond, which has cut the death rate by almost half.

But even in a chaotic world like this, people went about their lives as usual, as did the gossip. Big entertainment companies profited rivers of money with films and series about this, it was common for attempts to try to guess if that artist was really a Little or was just acting, or maybe his interpretation was so good that a certain artist could interpret a Caregiver without falling in your Littlespace.

However, within the entertainment world, K-pop groups were the most difficult to figure out the classification, everyone made guesses about who was a Little or Caregiver of each group, and many were surprised when the band finally released their rankings.

BTS was no different from the others when it came to their biological rankings, when they formed the band none of them revealed their status, all insecure after being offended or judged in the past. So just before they debuted and after Jungkook found out about his own status, they decided to only reveal to each other what they were. The revelation to the world would only be made when the time was right.

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