22 | Out Of The Dark

Start from the beginning

"This is not going to stop up, Eun Jeong. We will save your father. I promise you that." You paused for a moment to meet my gaze. Tenderness filled in your eyes. "I have opened up to you more than I have to anyone else, Piccola, and you took your time to comfort me. I want to do the same for you."


Maybe if I open up to him, I will feel better. It is so weird though; I am not used to it. But it feels right to be honest with him. I trust him.

I took a deep breath, gathering up the courage to speak and you squeezed my hand. I turned my attention to you as you smiled. "The thing is... I have been preparing for this my whole life. I was taught to push my emotions down and that they make me weak. And... maybe I am. Because even with all my training, all of this has been so much."

You were silent for a moment as you took in my words and ran your fingertips over my knuckles. The simple sweet gesture brought me comfort.

"I believed that once too. That having emotions was a weakness. I might have resented my father, but I still obeyed him. And if he said having feeling was a detriment, I believed him. But I have grown up since then and learned to look at the world on my own terms. And if I have found out anything... It's the fact that having emotions make us stronger, makes us fight harder. Nothing makes us more determined than caring for something... or someone."

"I never thought about it that way, but does that mean you have come to care for something?"

Your smile widened, and you cupped my cheek, leaning in closer. Your proximity to made my heart skip a beat.

"I am sure I said someone as well," you said, your lips widening with a smirk.

A blush crept over my cheeks. "Whoever that is, they are very lucky."

"Well, I am looking right at her, Piccola." You pressed your lips to mine and the kiss lingered for what felt like a sweet eternity. I barely had the strength to pull away and meet your gaze. "Feeling better, Babe?" you asked.

"A lot better. Thank you."

"Any time. It's basically my benefit." You said with a wink but then softly sighed, your expression turned from affectionate to serious. "I wish I did not have to change the subject, but... Eun Jeong... about your father."

"Yeah? Did he get my message?"

"Yes, he did. And it seems like it had strengthened his resolve. He is a lot more spirited."

"Oh, dad... Thank you for telling me, Jungkook. Did the guard say anything else? Why exactly did he call you?"

"It looks like my father has upped the security around my dad."

"Shot! Does he suspect something?"

"I don't know. But he is being very, very cautious. Which mean we will have to be as discreet as possible."

BANG! A bullet shot through the window, sending shards of glass flying into the air.

You grabbed a hold of me and dived down to the floor shielding me from any incoming shots.

"Is that her?!" I asked.

"No! There is more of them! We have to move!"

CRASH! A darkly clad man dropped into the room, and you pulled out your gun. You shot him in the knee, making him drop to the floor with a pained yelp.

Then you quickly lifted me to my feet, and grabbing me hand, we dashed out of the motel room.

After speeding off your car, we dived into a secluded alley once we were sure we have put enough distance between us and the attackers.

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