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Zero: Welp. I did say I would answer these questions on my birthday. As of today, I am now 18. Let's not waste any time and begin with our first question, I've got the relevant characters sitting in a lobby nearby for any questions that are directed towards them. I'll be answering the questions directed at me first.

Q: "Is there a love interest."

Zero: Well, I did answer this question in the beginning of the book, but I'll answer again for those who weren't aware. Yes, indeed there are. However it isn't love interest, but love interestS. There's a lot I want to clear up about that but I'll try keep that as brief as possible. There are (technically) already love interests from outside the Re: Zero universe. Anyone from beyond it does not count into this four. What do I mean by this? Well, Quinella is (obviously) a love interest, but as someone who comes from beyond the Re: Zero world, she isn't counted as one of the four selected. The four I've selected are all from that world, all of them have all met (Y/N) already. You'll just have to use deductive reasoning to find out who they are since I won't be revealing them.

Q: "Do you love me?"

Zero: 👁️👄👁️ Depends. What typa love we talking about?

Q: "Just an avid Nasuverse fan here. If Kolzreid/(Y/N) were in fate, what classes would they qualify for, and what class would they primarily be summonable as? And if the two personas would have different classes, then what class would (Y/N) be?"

Zero: See... Now that question will have easter egg about (Y/N)/Kolzreid for anyone smart enough to figure them out, hell, I'm actually hoping someone does figure it out. However, I will answer regardless. Both of them would have separate classes if they were summonable. I'll start with Kolzreid.

Kolzreid's primary class would not be summonable. For the class that I would give him, is class that both exists and doesn't exist. Beast II/S.

Kolzreid would be the Beast that carries the principle of "Sloth". I will not delve into why that is though. His alignment would be "Neutral Evil". Other classes he would qualify for are as follows: Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster and Grand Caster. However, he would a divine spirit, meaning he would only usually be summonable as a Pseudo-servant. Knowing how fate can be, he could manifest in a females body or a males body, whoever is most compatible.

His parameters would be as follows: Strength: EX, Endurance: EX, Agility: EX, Mana: EX, Luck: EX, NP: EX, Divinity: EX.

As a Pseudo-servant, some of these would get nerfed.

As for (Y/N), his primary class would be AlterEgo for obvious reasons. His alignment would be "Chaotic Good" and other classes he would qualify for are as follows: Saber, Archer, Caster, Avenger & Berserker. (Y/N), despite still being a "God" by race, is a version of Kolzreid who has lost his divinity, and thus would be summoned as a regular heroic spirit.

His parameters would be as follows: Strength B++, Endurance: A, Agility: B, Mana: A-, Luck: EX, NP: A++. He would still have the divinity skill, however his divinity would be at E-.

Bear in mind these would be the parameters he would have before taking a direct blow from the God of Harmony and being weakened as a being of Chaos.

That was quite long... But hope that satisfies the person who asked and anyone who was curious.

Q: "Can you make it to where Subaru can explain his curse to Emilia, even if it is only for this Q and A. My guy needs some distress."

Zero: *Lowers cue card* Hmm... Ahh... Well. No, I unfortunately cannot do that. Reason being, no questions were directed at Emilia, so she is not amongst the characters who will be making an appearance here. Sorry for that.

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖘 & 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘺 (Re: Zero X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now