1.0- From Zero

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(Y/N): Your name

No last name...

(L/N): Last name (False)

Race: Dragonoid

Element: ???

Age: ??? (18 Physically)

Normal Speech: Like this

Thoughts: *Like this*

Actions I can't be bothered to narrate: *Like this*

Whispers/Mutters: Like this

Shouting/Serious tone: Like this

Telepathy/Phone calls: <Like this>


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I ended up in another world... Again....

By the looks of it, it's one of those worlds that is far behind the ones where they have technology powered by electricity... Just greaat... I guess that means no Anime or Manga...

I don't even have the magic power to leave this world... So I'll be here for a while...

I decide that's enough standing around and walk around the place.

I take a mental note of everything I see...

The carriages Here are pulled by... Instinctually I know they are somewhat like me...

What I am?... Some point after I had woken up, she had told me I looked like a Dragonoid. On my original world, Dragonoids are the descendants of Dragons, I assume the dragons were much larger than these ones though.

I already took note of the fact that Demi-humans roaming the towns seems to be normal. There's probably some adventurers guild or something around this place.

I hear a scream come from across the path, and I look up to see someone laying on the ground in a feral position while a dragon was fast approaching.

It didn't look like anyone was going to do anything, so I move quickly.

I make a dash towards the person and grab them right before they get run over. I skid to a halt on the other side of the road and then I hear people start clapping and cheering.

Soon, A knight comes over to make sure everything is all right.

Knight#1: Thank you, I wasn't sure if I'd make it on time.

(Y/N): It's no biggie, really... I'll let you handle the rest.

The Knight nods to me and then I depart, but then I feel a hand grab onto my shoulder.

???: Wait!!

I turn around and see a dude with black hair and eyes that would probably scare timid people.

The weirdest thing about him though, was that he was holding a plastic bag and had a tracksuit on....

They have tracksuits in this world?? Huh... I guess not every world is the same...

(Y/N): Did you need something?

???: Those clothes that you're wearing...

(Y/N): Hm? You want to ask about my clothes?

???: I just want to ask... But... Where... Do you come from?

Japan never exists in worlds like these, so I doubt he'll understand.

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖘 & 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘺 (Re: Zero X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now