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My eyes feel heavy what time is it.. Did I fall asleep?

As he opened his eyes he was met with a beautiful setting sun looking at his side laid Cyril laying on his shoulder still

OH SH- How long were we asleep?!

"Cyril.." Lewis spoke in a soft hushed tone while shaking Cyril slightly

Cyril just pulled Lewis closer by the waist holding him close

Lewis stayed still not knowing what to do by the tight grip

10 minutes passed with Lewis frozen in Cyril's arms

Ok I should probably wake him up now

"Cyril it's already starting to get dark you have to get up!!" A little bit more desperate Lewis Shoved Cyril slightly causing him to finally open his eyes


"YES it's me finally!.. you're awake lets head back it's starting to get late"

"Yea.." Cyril spoke in a soft tone making me feel as if I did something wrong

After convincing Cyril to go back to his room telling him he doesn't have to walk me back to my room because his room is literally down the hall from mine he relentlessly agreed as he's tired and should get rest although we were sleeping the whole day but that doesn't count sleep is sleep

I groaned as I opened my door slamming it shut and then proceeding to take off my pants leaving my shirt on unbuttoning a few and then plopping onto my bed the moon was bright shining through the windows with a dark blue color in the sky stars bright and visible it was like a nightlight feeling too lazy to close the curtains and changing into proper night attire I close my eyes

"How improper"


"Hick! Huh??!"now sitting up I look around spotting a figure walking near my bed and then sitting next to me

No way..

"Where were you? I heard you were feeling unwell so I came to check on you but to my surprise you were gone I thought you would be back soon so deciding to wait I stayed but who knew you would make me wait until this late"

"Okay wait first of all I never told you to wait for me I didn't MAKE You wait for me you waited because you wanted to and second of all i'm not engaged to you so where i've been shouldn't concern you and third of all please don't tell me flora is in my room somewhere in here"

Clytius scoffed then shook his head "No I told her to go and to not worry  I'll be staying here for tonight"

"I see.."

"So you lied about being ill because I came here with flora?" now Clytius stared at me with a amused look on his face with a disturbing smirk

"No.. Because I didn't want to see either you or flora both is unpleasant and you coming unannounced isn't so prince charming of you so what i'm getting at is please leave i'm tired there should be plenty of rooms for you to sleep in."

 Pulling the covers up Clytius grabbed my wrist pinning me down with him on top of me

"You're so cold to me you used fawn over me" Face to face we had a staring contest how romantic  but right now I don't want romance I want sleep and I want him gone yes he's handsome yes my heart is pounding but it's only because i'm scared he might do something pervvy

"Woww I know right but hey it's a win on you're side" I say turning my face away to avoid eye contact


Transmitted as the antagonistOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora