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I get up from the chair I was currently sitting in and walked over to eat the soup and bread

As I was munching on the mind you very hard stale bread it was still good though

Some One knocked on the door

*Is that Cyril again?*

"Your grace my lord has requested your presence, I will escort you after a attendant tends to your needs. "The voice was rather rough and harsh

"Ah Haha No Need for attendant I'll get ready on my own.."

The voice than replied "Alright if that is what you wish I will be waiting right here Until your grace is ready."


*Who could that be? I know that's not Cyril, Cyril still is nicer than that well I mean I only saw the man for 5 Minutes what do I know but His voice is not as cold as this man's voice, Welp not that I care all I remember is Lewis was the worse villain, Don't get me started on how bad this man's behaviour .. But I mean He was A pretty pitiful guy I Mean I don't think what he did was right But he always had glares aiming his way he came into the dukedom when he was 9 so how old am I Right now?.. *

I Glance towards a mirror near the dresser and take a look at myself

*Holy.. Muffins Dude was really pretty or good looking I mean I was good looking just never to this extent This is a whole new level is this what people call gods?? Oh Crap I forgot I have to meet with the king  Lets see*

I turn over facing the wardrobe 

*Alright lets see this dudes clothes I mean I heard that they were obtrusive..How Bad could they be?*

As I opened the wardrobe I was met with Clown suits. Clown suits.

*IS he  a clown? LAST TIME I CHECKED I thought he was a royal, Is there any suitable clothes for a NORMAL person BY any chance??*

As I was searching the wardrobe I heard A rather stern and upset voice-

"You know the duke hasn't got all day."

"Uh uh Uh Yea Sorry about that one second!!"

I Settled for this silky Bright but dull purple shirt , A ribbon in the front with a crystal on it, It was rather gorgeous than clownery . I grabbed these black pants simple unlike the vibrant orange pant behind the other pairs of weird colors-

I Slid on the pants tucked in the shirt ruffled my hair a few times and I was done!

*And if I don't say my self I am One fine looking man that's for sure*

After checking my self out in the mirror  plus saying a few pick up lines and falling in love with my self I hurried to the door and swung the door open leaving me and this fine looking man staring at each other-

The man looked away and started walking I just stood there staring at him waiting for him to say anything

*IS HE JUST GONNA LEAVE ME?? I know I was late but still.. Is that not too extreme I only made him wait for like 8 minutes.. Can a butler even do that?? Wait but no one in this Household respected Lewis so it's understandable it's not like they will suddenly change now.*

As I was lost in thought I heard a loud voice yell out

"Young master Lewis Are you now coming along, Are you still ill?"

*EH?? Buh but This dude left me in the dust what do you mean Eh Ah oh well I'm dumb of course I should have followed him*

"Young master Would you  like to go to the lord's office on your own, Shall I leave?"

"UH NO!!"

The man stared at me looking shocked for a moment and stared at me

I nervously chuckled and said "Hhhahaha I mean no thank you I mean yes thank you I mea- I mean I MEAN.. I'm coming!!.."

The man stared at me like I was some maniac  but I swear I'm not though..

I lightly ran over near him and he just turned around and started walking again mumbling something,  it was low and not that easy to hear but caught on something along the lines like-

"Has he become more insane after his near to death experience."

*Woah now buddy I know you hate me Correction you hate Lewis but no! I'm not Lewis!!! Why WHYYYY! Do you gotta be so mean to me I've known you for 2 minutes and I Already hate you, Not your face your face is great.. BUT Still that does not mean I like you I hate you in fact your the worse kind of all kinds How I- *

I snapped out of my thoughts after the butler who said I was insane said  the following words "we're here."

He knocked on the door

After getting  a "Come in"

He opened the door and signaled me to get into the room. The room had 3 people in there I had assumed it was Lewis's caregiver's I'm sorry Let me explain They never thought of Lewis as their "own" they even said to Lewis that they thought of him as charity and that they feel like their doing good for the gods since they kept such bad luck there in their dukedom/estate.

*This probably is why I have no friends but.. Sucks to be him to be honest*

As I walked into the room I sat on the couch aside from Lewis's "brothers"

In the front was Lewis's "brothers" and their was a single  a single couch up at my left side where Lewis's Father sat And in the middle A table with a few books side to side from each other and a  teapot with tea cups for each person There also was a glass tier Pastries stand, And I was eyeing that for sure-

The duke cleared his throat

And than proceeded Picking up the tea cup that was recently poured by one of the maids he than took a sip and glared at me

*Now that's one way to say hello Or OR Only if you want you could be glad  to see me I mean LEWIS Is still alive No he's dead I Mean I'm him now so.*

Duke Deon than proceeded to place down the after the sip he took and returned his glare back to me

"Lewis It's been around a month since you poisoned yourself , How are you feeling."



(AN) His outfit is at the top!!

Transmitted as the antagonistWhere stories live. Discover now