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"I guess you do remember me" Dayne simply stated

Lewis then pointed at himself "HUhh? Me no I don't know you who are you dayne who haha I'm sorry m-my memory is in a haze haha.." Lewis nervously looked around and chuckled

Dayne's face had a confused face with a smirk  "Is that so?.. Hmm"

Dayne leaned forward making Lewis flinch their faces inches away

Lewis leaned back arching his back

"Haha.. I think so.." Lewis said in a low tone

Dayne simply lifted his eyebrowns before leaning forward even closer

at this point a few royals were starting to look at the two

"Young master!" Cyril yelled out with a disturbed tone

Lewis puunched- No pushed Dayne's face away "Nice meeting you sir Dayne or prince I- Well have a nice morning or is it evening ahem Well then" Lewis bowed slightly and then proceeded to slightly running away leaving Dayne by himself

Dayne smiled in a rather low and sadistic way uttered a few words

"Until we meet again"


SORRY Short chapter Mbb It's surprising to me that people actually do read this novel

with my lack of knowledge in writing  and the 2nd hand embarrassment that happens in like literally every chapter i'm surprised like woah Thank you to all the readers I appreciate you reading my novel and supporting it I'll try to write more chapters I know it's been a long time but I just get so invested into something and then lose interest so fast and with this story it was basically like that I have like a million of stories that I wanna write but I get so damn lazy anyways That's all! I'll try to write more this week I dunno though :))

ALSO i'm writing another story about a unrequited love but it'll have a happy ending so check that out if you want although I don't know when I'll start the story but look out for it if you're interested

Again thank you all!

Transmitted as the antagonistWhere stories live. Discover now