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We're watching The Winter Soldier and Monroe is way too far on the couch for my liking, but I'm not brave enough to scoot next to her, even if I was the one earlier who asked for a kiss. I guess the punch gave me some confidence.

Should I ask her to punch me again?

I shake my head, why did I even think that.

I'm not even paying attention to the movie because I keep sneaking glances at her. I can't believe she's in my house. I can believe I invited her back here. And now that she's here I don't want her to leave, and she looks tired. And the movie is almost over.

As if she's reading my mind, she gets up and stretches before she says the thing I've been dreading since they day began. "Alright, it's getting late, I think I should go home."

I jump off the couch. "In the dark? It's dangerous." I start to make excuses on why she can't leave.

"Eh, it's fine. What's the worse that could happen? My truck flips into a ditch and I get badly injured and can't move to call for help so I end up dying? Fat chance." She says, while a horrified expression takes over my face.

She didn't have to say all that. Now I definitely don't want her to leave.

"You could just stay here?" I hopefully suggest. "I don't have a guest room because I changed it into a gaming room but you can take my bed and I'll take the couch.

"No, I can't let you take the couch-" she pauses then looks back up at me. "You have a gaming room? Let me see." She asks excitedly.

And I can't help but smile at her as I guide her upstairs and open the first door on the right.

"Woah," she says in amazement as she throws herself on the two love seats that are close together. And it's so adorable even the second time.

She hops back up and points to the console, "can I?"

"Of course."

She gives me a big smile before turning on the PS4 and plopping down on the red bean bag, all the tiredness from her eyes completely gone as she looks at all the games I have.

Her eyes widen at a particular game. "You have The Last of us?!" Her eyes light up as she presses play and I just lightly laugh at her.

"I've been wanting to play this game forever, I just didn't want to buy a PlayStation just to play this game, I didn't think it was worth it." She says with a grin on her face. "Do you mind if I start a new game? It'll save your progress right?"

I nod, smiling at her enthusiasm. "Go ahead, press new game.


"Oh my god, I fucking died, again! I just restarted this chapter." She throws her hands up before muttering "god I need to memorize the controls."

I just shake my head at her, she's been playing the game for two hours, I don't want her to be tired tomorrow, or fuck up her sleeping schedule but I guess I already did the second I invited her here.

I quietly leave the room as Monroe is too engrossed in the game to notice my absence.

And I go to my room that's down the hall. I open my drawer and grab a black t-shirt and some grey shorts before walking back to the gaming room.

"Monroe?" I try to get her attention but her eyes don't leave the screen as she answers. "Yeah?"

"Your not tired?" I ask softly as i fiddle with the clothes in my hands.

She pauses the game and stands up to stretch before walking over to me and smiles at me. "Yea I guess I am, thanks for pulling me out of a trance." She looks at my hands. "What's that?"

He watches, she knowsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя