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I twirl around in my living room with my phone clutched to my chest and a stupid grin on my face.

I'd say the plan was a success because we get to meet again. I fall back on my couch with a content sigh.

Now I get to see where he lives. He's been stalking me all these months and I've never stalked him back.

Should I stalk the stalker?

Well there isn't a need too now, he's already in my grasp, there's no need to stalk.

I think back to this morning, waking up with that man's hands on me was a dream. They were so soft and firmly pressed up against me. And the hard on I felt pressed against my leg? Don't even get me started.

I distract myself from thinking any further by  grabbing my laptop off the coffee table and open it up, glancing back at my phone in my hand and search up the address Red gave me.

What? I wanna know what his house looks like and I'm too excited to wait.

I click images and I see this adorable brick, Victorian looking house with vines growing down the side of it.

Well now I want him to invite me back to his place. I wanna take a peak of the interior. I sigh and my head falls to the back of the couch. What should I wear?


I look around the outside of his place. It looks different then in the pictures I found on google. First off there's flowers everywhere in the front, on the porch, planted in the pathway, and there's some wrapped up in the vines that cover his house. He also has huge windows, I can see a small office with books covering the walls and a huge love seat in the corner.

I check my face one more time before through the visor before I flip it up and text him to tell him im outside.

I didn't wear any makeup today because I've noticed his eyes look at me brighter when my face is bare. I look over my outfit, it's more calm then I'm used to but it'll work. Some dark blue skinny jeans that make my ass look great and a v-neck dark red shirt since I know he loves that color on me. Then I just through on my leather jacket on top

I see movement by the passenger window and glance up to see him walking towards me in the cutest light purple shirt, tattoos full on display. I guess he's wanted to wear my favorite color too. He paired it with some dark blue jeans and a black leather jacket as well.

Aww we're matching.

I unlock the door for him and he climbs in, sits down, buckles up then rubs his palms down his jeans. He looks nervous. To break the silence I ask him a question.

"Are you a gardener?"

His eyes turn to me in a confused manner, "what?"

I point to the flowers that are all over the place. "You have a lot of flowers, and I assume you do the upkeep?"

He sighs and I think it's one of relief. "Yeah, I garden. It's a hobby when I'm not at work, that or reading."

I hum as I pull out of my parking spot and get on the road. "I read too." But he already knows that.

"What's your favorite book." He asks, and I feel his eyes on me. I take the first left before I answer. "It's a series, the first book is called a Storm of silver and ash by Marion Blackwood."

"That's my favorite book too." He acts surprised but my baby is a bad liar, especially when I know all his secrets. I know he saw me reading that book on my porch like a month ago.

I act surprised, "no way. Really? I recommend it to my friends all the time because no one really knows about her books. Which one is your favorite?"

I see him scratch his beard from my peripheral and his neck is a little red. I guess he gets nervous being the center of my attention.

He clears his throat, "I can't pick a favorite, I like them all. Each book was its own little adventure and the books progresses with each one."

Okay poet. That's like the longest answer I've ever heard from him. To get him to keep talking I'll ask him about his other hobby. "Tell me about your gardening," I make a hand flinging motion towards his window, "I dont know half of the flowers on your lawn."

He seems to perk up at that. "Well, wrapped up in the vines are Lavender, Azaleas, False indigo and Clematis, I had to get a latter to put them up there. On the pathway are Cornflowers, Dead Nettle, Dianthus and Gardenias."

And the whole rest of the way to the cafe I listen to him talk about his passion for flowers with a content smile on my face. I could get used to this.

Words- 854

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