15 - Fifteen - Ambrose Grayson's Point Of View.

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As soon as I was done with work, I went back to the hospital. I needed to see Marco. With my own eyes. Romeao had let me know with a text that he was alright, but it wasn't enough. At the nurses' station, I asked for Marco. The nurse looked at me strangely, but I was pretty sure that was because I was still in uniform.

"What relation are you to the patient, Mr Di Salvo?"

"I'm his partner. We are together." I said, lying through my teeth, knowing this was the only way they were going to let me into the room.

"Right, take this badge and he's up on the second floor."

I clipped the badge on my shirt and headed up. I was mildly regretting not changing out of my work pants and jacket. Getting out of the elevator on the second floor, I asked for Marco at the desk and pointed to a room just down the hall. Heading down the hall, I stopped in front of the door and knocked on the door softly before popping it open.

It was a private room, not surprising though. I figured he would have that at the very least. Marco was up. Romeao was here with him, too. Wren was nowhere to be seen.

"Sorry, I'm not intruding, am I?"

"No, come in, close the door." Marco said.

"I wanted to make sure you were alright."

"I told you he was alright." Romeao said, politely.

"I know, I got your message, but I needed to see with my own eyes, after how he was the last time I saw him."

"That's completely understandable. I told Marco to expect you. He told me you might be in after you sleep, but based on your uniform, sleep isn't something you've done." Romeao said, looking at Marco.

"Pardon me for asking, but where is the baby?"

"He's at Marco's with a henchman. He is perfectly safe there."

I frowned. Romeao really must have trusted this person to leave Wren with him.

"If you're so worried about Wren, by all means, go to Marco's and check on him."

"Sleep while you're there, too. Please." Marco said, his eyes locked on mine.

"How long do you have to stay in the hospital?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Five to seven days, and they checked out my ribs while I was here, too. They aren't too concerned with the ribs. They told me how lucky I was that vital organs were missed, but that I'm looking at upwards of six months of full recovery."

"Three, and you will be back at work. You won't sit idle that long, even if I demanded it." Romeao sighed.

"What will you do without Marco in the field?" I asked.

"Those under Marco will pick up the slack, and I will handle Marco's work."

"I can watch Wren. I really don't mind." I said.

"Then please, bring me your schedule for work, and we can work—--"

"Ambrose has a job and a life—--"

"Hush Marco, I don't mind helping."

"Then stay at my house, so you don't have to commute back and forth, and you can care for your cat. Bring him too."

"I would hate for him to wreak something or—-"

"I don't care, don't fight me on this. Just do as I've asked. You can get proper sleep. Somewhere I know you're safe, and Wren will have you while I can't be there, and Romeao can't all the time."

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