08 - Chapter Eight - Ambrose Grayson's Point Of View.

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When he backed up, it was like he had stroked my very soul and disabled the danger button that should have been screaming. But it was silent now, as I followed him back to the bedroom with only one thing on my mind. Putting my hands on this man in the deepest and sinful ways. I wanted to bend him to my liking.

In the bedroom, he stopped and turned to speak to me.

"Get in the bed and let go back to sleep."

"Sleeping in that bed with you right now is the last thing I have in mind." I said truthfully.

"Ambrose, please. Don't do this. I am not the person you want to get involved with."

"Says the man who refused to let me leave, and demanded I come back to the bedroom and to bed."

"I didn't mean this."

"Marco, you're giving me mixed signals."


The way his voice said my name was the last straw. He was pleading with me. It was in his voice, and I liked the sound of it. Marco had a few inches on me, but it didn't stop me from grabbing him by the chin and pressing my lips to his. Marco was breathless when I pulled away from him.

I sat on the end of the bed, my legs spread and forced Marco down on his knees and the shock on his face wasn't well hidden.

"Ambrose what are you—--"

"Quiet, you're alright."

"Ambrose, I've never been on the receiving end. If this is how you intend for things to play out. This might be too much for me." Marco said, the panic on his face heavy.

"I'll play by your rules Marco, I promise you this will be good. If it's too much, we can stop."

He looked conflicted, but he relaxed. "Fine."

"If you don't want to, we can just go back—---"

"I said, it was fine, Ambrose. I just didn't see this coming." He sighed.

"You are not the first to say that."

Sat between my legs in the dark, the moonlight peaking through the clouds, giving just enough light to see each other; I admired his body.

"I think you should remove some of this clothing, Marco."

He slowly reached for his shirt, and I spoke.

"Maybe this isn't a good idea with your ribs."

"I'm fine. My ribs are ok."

As if to double down on that idea, he moved like one would if they didn't have broken ribs that were only a few days old. Watching him flinch, I grabbed his chin, lightly and defiant eyes looked back at me, before he seemed to reel that emotion back in.

"Marco, don't push yourself if this is too much."

He stood up and yanked his sweatpants down, his boxers nearly going with them. It was hard not to touch him. I wanted to run my hand all over his exposed skin, but I took a deep breath, reeling in my lust. Marco was hard and tenting the front of his boxers.

"Do you have condoms and lube?" I asked softly.

"Yes, I do. I'll get them from the bathroom."

Marco disappeared into the dark and I pulled a hand through my hair, my heart racing with a childlike excitement. He returned just as quickly, placing the items into my hand. Setting the stuff on the bed, I made the come here motion with my finger, and he got closer, but he looked apprehensive.

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