14 - Fourteen - Ambrose Grayson's Point Of View.

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After my weekend with Marco, going back to work felt like shit. But here I was, walking into the ambulance bay with Mia, discussing our weekend. We still really didn't fit in here, but the night crews that worked with us were a little more chatty than normal. They asked about our weekends and brought up the last call. They seemed pretty curious about what had gone on. Mia just sighed.

"Our last call on Friday coded and died. Probable gang violence."

"Shit eh?" Someone said,

"Yeah. Seems pretty common." I muttered.

"It definitely is becoming more common here. It never used to be as bad, but with the mafia—-" His partner elbowed him in the ribs and he shut his mouth.

"We are no stranger to the mafia. We are from Lake Haven." Mia said, shrugging. The alarm sounded and Mia and I loaded up into the ambulance and headed to the call. It was a standard call, not mafia or gang related.

Mia and I loaded the patient into the back of the ambulance. I ran through the basics.

"Tell dispatch to alert the hospital. We have a heart attack patient coming in, complaining of chest pain and shortness of breath." I said.

The ride was brief, and we took the patient inside the ER and passed him off. The doctors and nurses took him off our hands. We collected our things and headed back out to the ambulance.

"Do you ever just tire of this, Ambrose?"

"Of saving lives?" I asked.

"No, of the mafia, it seems like every guy or person in this city and ours is mafia related one way or another. I went for a coffee on the weekend and chatted up a really nice-looking guy, who didn't look mafia, you know. No pressed suits, just dressed down and fine as hell. But he was definitely mafia too, I knew after just being around him."

"I get it. Seems like they are everywhere, but I don't think they are all bad, and there has to be someone who isn't Mafia related."

"I swear it's just you and I anymore, Ambrose." She said,

I pictured Marco and felt a little guilty.

"Yeah, haha. It seems like it's just us, anymore."

There was no way right now that I was going to open my mouth to her about Marco. Not when she thought we were the only ones left without personal Mafia ties.

"But hey, If you ever get a Mafia boyfriend, Mia, I hear they get paid pretty nice." I said, laughing.

"One of these times, I might just say fuck it and try it."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah, They seem nicer than normal men, and like you said, they get paid well. Just once I would like to sleep in, not just on the weekends, you know."

"Oh, trust me, I get it. I spent the weekend with Marco—-"

"Who's Marco? His name sounds Italian—Wait. Ambrose, are you dating a mafia guy?" She asked, about filling her face.

"We aren't dating."

"But you didn't deny he wasn't Mafia, Ambrose is he—-"

"Nope, we aren't discussing him."

We got another call. After responding, she turned back to me.

"We are not done with this conversation. I need to know more about the Mafia man you're seeing, since you are even more picky about men and you don't even like the mafia. You've never looked at a man a second longer if he states he's mafia, and you're staying at this man's house."

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