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The clock emitted a soft tick from across Morelli's bedroom as I stood waiting. He'd summoned me for what he termed a personal deal, something he preferred to keep off the radar. In other words: a clean, discreet job.

Well, so much for a "happy birthday to me."

Morelli wrapped a rope around his robe, moving from bed to fridge for a bottle of water, then to his desk. I watched his every move, anticipating the conversation to begin.

He retrieved a cigar from his drawer and motioned for me to take a seat in front of him with a wave of the stick. I obliged, settling into the chair as he prepared to speak.

Morelli took a long drag from his cigar, the smoke swirling around him as he leaned back in his chair. "This job concerns Alfonso," his tone was low and serious, eyebrows furrowed.

I rolled my eyes inwardly. Alfonso was the last person I wanted to be dealing with, but I kept my thoughts to myself, nodding in acknowledgment as Morelli continued, "It's going to blow up real soon if it's not handled. "What wasn't at the verge of blowing up if it involved Alfonso? "Before it's out, I need it handled."

"What kind of job are we talking about?"

Checking his watch, he dug further. "So, remember when Alfonso got involved in a drug shipment to fund a comeback campaign."

Of course, I remembered vividly. That debacle had been dealt with by his crew over nine months ago. Why were we revisiting it now?

"Is it resurfacing?"

"Yes, obviously," Morelli ashed his cigar into the gold tray before him. When he coughed, he took a swig of water to soothe his throat. "It involves a thirty-five-year-old journalist," he continued, his eyes fixed on a photograph amidst the clutter on his desk.

I picked up the photograph, studying the woman's features. She had Katie's build but with blond hair and a more angular face. Placing it back on the table, I adjusted my suit.

"She uncovered the mess a while back and wants to capitalize on it," Morelli confirmed before issuing the order. "Clear the scene. If it blows up, Alfonso's leverage would be substantial."

It would've been preferable if Alfonso could handle his own messes instead of dragging us into it with veiled threats, but dealing with a coward meant limited options. With little choice in the matter, I nodded.

"I'll inform you once it's taken care of."

After Morelli's appreciative nod, I stood up. One part of me urged to discuss my father and Amato, but another reminded me of Morelli's penchant for discretion. He would likely want me to gather all the details of the situation, including those involved and any potential repercussions. He'd task me with handling it all quietly to avoid a public scandal, apology, or capitulation to Ivan for his associate's mistake.

Opting to keep my thoughts to myself, I turned and left the room.

As I made my way away from the Morelli's wing, I encountered Luciana in a formal dress, struggling in her high heels as she stumbled through the doorway of my father's mansion A guard caught her just before she tripped, but when she regained a bit of her balance, she lashed out and slapped the guy.

Squinting, I approached to get a better look at the situation. It would be disingenuous to claim that Luciana wasn't inherently arrogant, but I also understood that certain actions were out of character for her unless something was off. Case in point: raising her hand to strike a guard who was only trying to help her.

She stumbled twice more before I reached the scene, and despite her warning slap, the guard still seemed concerned enough to offer assistance. I arrived just in time to intervene.

Snapping Point||Book 1Where stories live. Discover now