Chapter 27: Emily

Start from the beginning

He glanced over his shoulder and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Shit," he cursed, taking a step back. I watched Lucy's face light up as she neared him.

"Jay, hi." She bounced over to him and linked her arm through his, standing on her tiptoes, trying to kiss him. He moved away, trying to untangle himself from her. It didn't keep me biting my tongue and gripping my bag.

"Well," I bounced on my toes. "I should get to class." I turned and started up the stairs.

"Emily, wait." Jay called after me. I looked over my shoulder at him. Lucy had a death grip on his arm. He tilted his head and sighed. "Chapter 7 for tonight, right?"

I pressed my lips together and nodded. I quickly bolted up the stairs, holding back tears.

I debated my decision to go out with him all through class. This whole situation was a mess. He kept telling me that Lucy's brother is going to come down and take care of her. But I have yet to see said brother. The more time I spent with him, the more I liked him and the more I despised Lucy. Part of me knew I should text him and tell him I can't do dinner tonight. Maybe if I stayed away from him, these feelings would go away.

After class ended, I had all but decided I wasn't going to meet him. I pulled my cell phone out, planning to text Mia and see if she wanted to hang tonight. Instead, I had several messages from him.

Jay: I'm really sorry about earlier.

Jay: I told her again that I wasn't her boyfriend.

Jay: Please say we are still on for tonight...

I took in a deep breath, and texted back as I made my way out of the Jesse Harris building.

Emily: Maybe it's not such a good idea.

Jay: I promise, it really is. I really want to spend the evening with you.

Jay: Please let me take you out.

I bit my bottom lip. As another text pinged through. I opened it up to see his face staring back at me. His lips were pouting.

Jay: I'm not above begging.

A smile spread across my face as I looked at those sexy lips and stunning blue eyes. How was I supposed to say no to this?

Emily: How do I know she isn't going to show up at the Sunsphere tonight?

Jay: She won't. She's going to Cotton Eye Joe with Casey and some other girls.

Emily: I'm not sure if you're worth all this risk.

I was only half kidding.

Jay: I promise I am.

Jay: Meet me tonight and I'll show you.

Emily: Okay. Tonight.

Later that evening as I was standing in front of the counter putting on makeup, when Mia bounded into my room and plopped on my bed.

"Damn, you look hot." She complimented. I was wearing a long silky gray skirt with a slit all the way up the side, ending in a cute bow with an off the shoulder, lacy crop top. "Where are you off too?"

I pulled my hair up in a ponytail, leaving a few tendrils down around my face.

"Out." I responded

"I wonder who you are going out to meet dressed like that?"

I looked back over my shoulder at her as I curled the tendrils around my face.

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