Chapter 16: Emily

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I woke up the next morning to my alarm blaring from my phone. I groaned and rolled over to turn it off. I felt strong arms wrap around me, pulling me into his warm embrace. A smile crept across my face as I snuggled into him. I sighed happily, but just as I started to doze off, reality smacked me in the face.

"Shit!" I jumped up and shook his shoulder. "Jay, it's after seven. You have to get up and get out of here."

He groaned and tried to pull me back into bed but I was already on my feet. I pulled on my sweatpants and threw his jeans at him.

"Fuck, okay." He rubbed his face and slowly sat up. I pulled a t-shirt over my head, then stopped to look at him. His hair was standing up, but his chest was bare and his blue eyes were bright. I crawled onto him and kissed him, mushing my hands in his hair. He stroked my cheek and pushed my hair behind my ear.

"You're so fucking gorgeous," he said.

I bit my bottom lip and ran my hands down his chest. "You're not so bad yourself. But you have to get out of here before we are both dead meat.

"When can I see you again?" He kissed lightly on my neck.

"In about an hour and a half."

He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. I laughed and rubbed my thumb over the crinkles at the corner of his eyes.

"In class."

"Right, class. We have that today."

I pressed one more kiss to his lips then climbed off him. He threw the comforter off him and padded naked into my bathroom with his jeans slung over his shoulder. I watched him until he closed the door..

I shoved my feet into my house shoes and ran my fingers through my hair. Several minutes later, he emerged from the bathroom with his jeans on and his hair more manageable. I handed him his shirt. His muscles rippled as he pulled it over his head, causing my insides to flutter. I had to resist the urge to reach out and touch him again. Knowing it would result in us being right back where we had started.

Once he was dressed I slowly opened my bedroom door, peering out into the apartment. The only light slithered in through the blinds and all was quiet. I opened the door and motioned him out.

We didn't say anything as I rushed to the front door, unlocking it and opening it for him to slip out. He walked normally, not seeming to be in any kind of hurry. My heart was palpitating, worried Lucy would come around the corner any minute and catch him coming from my room. I shuddered thinking about what her reaction to that would be.

He stepped out the door, but instead of leaving he turned back to me and pulled me into him.

"What are you doing?" I tried to push him away.

"I forgot something." His voice was low and husky. I started looking around as if I could quickly figure out what he had left behind.

"What?" I glanced down the hall towards Lucy's room.

His fingers pressed gently against my cheek, turning my face back to him. "This," he said. He leaned in and his lip found mine. His tongue traced over my lips, and his mouth moved slowly and gently over mine. I closed my eyes and pressed myself against him. Forgetting in the moment why I couldn't kiss him like this in the open.

A door creaking had reality crashing back down, and I pushed him away, still trying to catch my breath, as Lucy rounded the corner, wiping sleep from her eyes. I shot Jay a look, silently begging him to slip out the door before she saw him. He just smirked and winked at me.

"Good Morning," he said. Lucy's eyes widened with surprise.

"Jay, what are you doing here?"

He stepped back across the threshold and I turned swiftly, busying myself by opening the fridge and peering inside.

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