Chapter 20: Emily

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Bright light streamed through my open window, and I covered my eyes and groaned. I was in my bed, but I had zero recollections of getting here. I remembered being at the party... and flirting with Jay as we played some stupid game, then waking up here. I frantically felt the bed beside me and was relieved to find it empty. It took more effort than I cared to admit to push myself up and sit on the edge of the bed. My head was pounding and I had the vile taste of vomit in my mouth.

A ping from my cell phone pulled me out of my misery. It was conveniently plugged in and within reach. Someone had taken care of me last night. Had it been Jay? Not likely. It had to be Mia. As another ping sounded I reached over and grabbed my phone.

Jay: Morning gorgeous.

Jay: How are you feeling this morning?

Despite my headache and obvious hangover, a smile crept across my face. At least he was checking in on me.

Emily: Like shit.

I stood, holding on to the nightstand for support until my head stopped spinning, then slowly walked out of my room and into the kitchen.

"Good Morning." A very chipper Mia greeted me. I just grunted and climbed onto the barstool. Mia chuckled and set a glass of orange juice and two Tylenol on the counter in front of me. I managed to mumble out a thanks as my phone pinged again.

Jay: Do you need a taste of my magic penis to help with the hangover?

"Magic penis?" I pulled at the collar of my shirt. "What the hell?"

"Oh, you mean Jay's magic penis?" Mia piped up.

My eyes shot up and stared at Mia, who was standing against the counter sipping her coffee.

"How did you..." My eyes widened as the realization hit me. "Oh shit. I didn't..." I trailed off, dropping my head onto the counter with a groan.

"As I helped you stumble out of the party last night, you not so quietly told me he had a magic penis."

I lifted my head with a pained expression on my face. "Please tell me no one else heard me say that."

Mia took her time answering. She sipped her coffee before she placed it on the counter. She leaned on the counter in front of me. "Luckily, no. We were already outside when you made your proclamation."

I pressed my palms into my eyes. "What else?" I needed to know how bad this was looking.

"Let's see." Mia tapped her finger against her chin. "You told me you liked the way he tasted. Oh and asked him in front of everyone if he would cum to bed with you."

That's it. My life was over. I groaned, resisting the urge to bang my head against the table. "I'm such an idiot."

"You're both idiots. Between your drunk proclamations and his groping you at the tailgate and the game, you're both asking for trouble. Not to mention your obvious flirting with him in front of Lucy."

I whined at my stupidity and laid my head down on my arms.

"I don't think you realize what a bad idea all this is with him, Emily." Mia continued to lecture me. "You may think he's going to leave Lucy for you and everything is going to be happily ever after, but it's not. If you know what's good for you, you will end this now. Before someone gets hurt."

I lifted my head and looked across the counter at my friend. She was right. Someone was going to get hurt. And I was afraid it was going to be me. I picked my phone back up and stared at it before finally typing out a text to him.

Emily: Mia just filled me in on everything. That's it. I'm never drinking again.

I pressed send then typed out another quick message. The only redemption I had from the night.

Emily: At least I didn't wake up with someone naked in bed with me.

"Emily, did you hear what I said? Tell him right now that this thing is over. This is just about sex for him and I don't want to see you hurt."

I looked up at Mia and shook my head. I started to say something when another message came through.

Jay: Would it have been so bad if I was the one naked in your bed?

As much as I would have liked that, I knew what Mia was saying was right.

Emily: Yes. This is all so wrong.

"Emily, are you even listening to me?" Mia asked.

"Yes. I am." My shoulders slumped as I waited on him to reply.

Jay: Well, the wrong girl ended up in my bed.

I swallowed hard as I reread his message. My chest hitched and tears sprung to my eyes. I looked up at Mia as I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. She was so right.

"Emily?" Her eyebrows drew together and she reached out to touch my arm. I waved her off and looked back down at my phone.

I knew what I was getting into in the beginning. But after everything that had happened, I really felt that he cared for me. The reality of it hit me, knowing he took Lucy to bed last night. I couldn't be the other woman. I couldn't share him like that.

Jay: That came out wrong. I didn't go to bed with her.

Jay: she took it upon herself to climb in my bed at some point.

Jay: Fuck, Emily. I'm sorry. Please say something.

I finally looked back down at his messages, which were blurry through the tears swimming in my eyes.

Emily: You know, I think I'm just going to take my drunk ass back to bed before I say something I'll regret.

"I'm going back to my room." I slid off the barstool, not wanting Mia to see me cry.

"Em," she reached for me with a sigh. "Em, you can talk to me."

I just shook my head. "Just leave it be, Mia." I moved as quickly as I could across the living room to my bedroom. I managed to get the door closed before I started to sob. I slid to the floor and let it all go.

Jay: Em, it's not what you think.

I threw my phone across the floor watching it hit the dresser with a satisfied thump. I heard it ping several more times with incoming messages, but I wrapped my arms around my knees and dropped my head and let all the unwelcome tears come. 

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