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With him laying on the ground still he got up, looking around for you. He then touched his lips on where your hand was at.

☽︎Time-skip to where you defeat this ugly dragon angel thing☾︎

With you doing your climax, you've summoned Malphas "A GRA ORS" you shouted before the angel can get to you. Your demon pinned it to the ground, with it biting to its neck it teared it apart slowly like a worm.

☽︎Time-skip again☾︎

Going into the gates witch time was actived an angel who appeared out of nowhere looked more human like but with a large bigger body. Jumping to the platform you turned around to see this hologram ugly thing.

???: "What is the meaning of this?" It said like it was talking to someone.

???: "this is now not once, but twice explain this meddling in our affairs" Talking to a woman.

Jeanne: "The only ones meddling are your hapless minions, this will be taken care of in the manner I see fit" Pointing her All For One guns at it.

Jeanne: "Your assistance is not required" She say as the hologram angel went away, with her turning around looking straight at you taking her watch off her chest looking at it.

Jeanne: "I suppose coming here has given you a second wind. Feeling better Bayonetta?" She taunted

Bayo: "Who are you? And don't you dare say my lost sister" said bayo

Jeanne: "Sister? You've quite the active imagination. You and I once fought for the jewel upon the crown of the Umbra throne. And now that you've returned, my sleeping beauty it is time to finish that fight" She says, pointing her gun at her.

Flashback from 500 years ago Jeanne was standing over you, lumen sages trying to go through gates with Fortitudo standing over them, Jeanne rasing her dagger at you stabbing you in the chest.

Coming into your current state, processing what just happened "No time for daydreaming," Jeanne said behind you, pointing her gun behind your head. Turing around she shot you but you easily dodges. With you and her fighting you kicked her leaving flying to the other side with her landing on her feet like a cat. You guys were shooting fire at each other with you guys doing a stand-off with your guns press together you two shot at the same time cause both of your guys' guns to spin in the air, leaving you guys using your other gun. Kicking her gun aside, you guys did a handstand shooting your guns from you heels.

Leaving with guns in foot, you guys swing around your legs in different ways causing to hit your heels together, knocking from each other's force getting up finally having you guys guns in hand. You and her do a stand-off glaring at each other coming into a stop the ground started rumbling causes for you guys to stumble with you jumping high. Jeanne watched you from afar. "Those cretins fouled it all up again. But perhaps this can be to my advantage.

With you jumping to a larger platform you turned around to see her behind you getting into her stance as the rainy wind goes harder.

☽︎Time-skip you beat jeanne☾︎

With you guys standing across from each other with Jeanne smirking at you.

Jeanne: "What's the matter sweetie? Afraid of something, are you?"

Bayo: "Afraid me?" You smirked back at her

Jeanne: "This is a waste of my time, your still not ready" She says, annoyed as the platform you guys were on began to fall apart with Jeanne turning into a panther, then a mob of moths and a crow flying away. You watched her fly away, on why she said you're not ready?

Turing into a panther coming across a various of huge rocks turning back to your human form you feel this new power that you never felt before.

Bayo: "Oh my.. that was bloody amazing" You say looking at yourself, turning into a panther again you went to the sky high with the moon shine besides you.

 that was bloody amazing" You say looking at yourself, turning into a panther again you went to the sky high with the moon shine besides you

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

A/n: I cannot not wait for you guys to meet little y/n and how bayos reaction to her
Word count: 1380

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