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As bayonetta was looking at the side mirror, she saw a car following them as the car drifted to a different lane bayonetta chuckled a bit, seeing this pathetic get up the enzo saw something flying towards them "Huh? What the fuck!?" As enzo avoiding the plane crashing onto sides of the road as the car was flying into the air as enzo screams in horror. As bayonetta uses witch time, everything was in slow motion. bayonetta circles a symbol above her and then leaps towards it as bayonetta landed on the plane she sees a mob of angels flying above and under as bullets shot through a plane, making a circle.

Part of the plane lungs towards bayonetta as she landed on the other side spinning, killing the angels as she got down she was staring at the circle as all the angel flew behind it feathers flying around and gun shots firing as blood splatter around the metal circle moves and shows a woman wearing red, as bayonetta watched the woman fighting the angels with similar guns but with feathers on the end as she was done fighting them she gracefully landed across from Bayonetta.

Bayo: "You?" Bayonetta questioned

Woman in red: "What's the matter bayonetta?" she says, circling around each other as time was going slow. "All that sleeping made you soft" she says, pointing her guns at bayonetta waving her hand at her. As she does this, bayonetta raises her glasses with her guns getting into her fighting stance.

☽︎Time-skip to where bayonetta is done torturing attack the angels☾︎

Bayonetta and the woman in red shooting their guns at the angels as time slowed down they pose for a second, as the woman in red twirling around the angel shooting them with her leg then shooting them in the head bayonetta basically dancing around the angel shooting it, bayonetta and the woman fighting along each other side by side as they were done they pointed their guns at each other doing a stand off.

Them just staring at each other as time went to normal. A truck came between them  while the woman in red disappeared out of her sight bayonetta. looking around and seeing the woman flying in the air as bayonetta walks off, she goes through the umbran symbol. As time went to normal, she grabbed enzo at the back of his collar, throwing the car first on the road, then enzo as he was screaming he landed upside down in the car, bayonetta staring at the sky wondering who was she? How does she know my name?

Bayo: "That girl"

Images flashing a familiar woman standing in front of her raising her sword towards someone's heart? Bayonetta still looking at the sky.

☽︎Meanwhile, in the gates of hell☾︎

Bayonetta waiting at the counter while rodin making drinks, "Those assholes sure know how to get attention, even perked the ears of the hot heads down home" rodin says

Bayo: "You don't say"

She says as rodin leaned closer on the counter

"getting harder and harder to tell the worlds apart"
He says, demonstrating to the bottles to bayonetta "Human world, inferno, Paradiso, who can tell the difference?"

Bayo: "Even harder with Purgatorio in the middle, fight long enough in there and you'll really lose sight. Why the sudden interest in metaphysics?"

She says, flicking her ribbon over her shoulder

Rodin: "Its a balance, right even if some of them like messin' around with the humans, we've all hot a stake in the status quo. But people keep fuckin' around like this, the book of Revelations is gonna look like mother goose. Heaven and Hell are gonna go straight for each others throats"

He says, looking at bayonetta intensity while his eyes are glowing red behind his shades as the wine bottle cracks between them

Bayo: "Heaven and hell can tear each other to pieces for all I care. I've got my own problems to worry about"

She said sitting up on her arm

Rodin: "Somethings up. Everything was a bit too brazen, and Enzo tip makes the timing too perfect. This reeks of a setup"

As the shelf moves apart, showing a bunch of weapons

Rodin: "Someone in one of those lost memories calling you out"

Looking through various of weapons for bayonetta to use for her journey

Rodin: "I got a little present for you. These babies are special"

Bayonetta is interested in what weapons rodin has to offer after all she didn't want to keep fighting with cheap toys, rodin setting the box down with a cloth covering them slidipng them over

Rodin: "Build from an alloy the devil himself would kill to get his hands on. Don't break these, cuz they're one of a kind"

He finishes showing a new pair of guns that could last for a long time

Bayonetta licking her lips touching them she got the gun, admiring them close as bayonetta throw four guns in the air

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Bayonetta licking her lips touching them she got the gun, admiring them close as bayonetta throw four guns in the air. 

meanwhile rodin making drinks bayonetta twirling around her hand throwing it she raise her leg up high connected the gun on her heel and did the same thing with the other bayonetta twirling them in her hands then give it a kiss, facing each other again.

Bayo: "Calling me out. I don't go in for strange offers, then again I'm getting a little tired of these weaklings they keep throwing at me" as she got her drink from rodin as she complains about the angels that don't give enough much of a fight

Bayo: "Maybe I should aim for something more high class"

Aiming her gun in the air as the light reflected on it, drinking her wine in one go

Rodin: "pounding them down good tonight, baby, not to butt into your affairs but I'm pretty sure you got somewhere better to be. The guys you're up against aren't the type to wait for you to finish a round"

Pouring another cup of wine for bayonetta turning around, she was nowhere to be seen

Rodin: "Enzo her drinks are goin' on your tab buddy"

He says drinking the wine "ya deadbead motherfucker"

Slaming his hand down on the counter as enzo fall behind his chair

A/n: hi guys I hope you guys were waiting patiently because I am working on other story's and editing them so that's why this one took a bit long but anyway I hope you guys are tune in on the next chapter bye my fellow readers

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

A/n: hi guys I hope you guys were waiting patiently because I am working on other story's and editing them so that's why this one took a bit long but anyway I hope you guys are tune in on the next chapter bye my fellow readers

Word count: 1095

𝐅𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 | Bayonetta reader insertOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz