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A map shows a plane going go to their destination as enzo explains the story to the reader

Enzo: "So i asked to t some whale in Europe is trying to fence a huge rock on the black market. He calls it the "Right Eye" saying it's part of some set called "The Eyes of the World" fits the bill of what you're after, don't it now here's the funny bit the stone passes around the halls of power for hundreds of years vanishes"

Showing a clear shiny stone

Enzo: "And then the black market goes white hot for the thing but the seller wanted an arm and a leg for it to the point no one could stomach the price, so back goes the stone but not before everyone figures out where the guy is you're gonna enjoy doing this one I bet I love sticking it to rich of course. When you do, don't forget your old buddy Enzo stuck his neck out on this one, slide me a few fazoles out of the rich guys pocket for my troubles right. Anyways, you better get going before the trail gets cold off to the middle of nowhere. Paradise of Europe Vigrid"

Images showing again from 500 years ago, now bayonetta waking up from her sleeping curious why the same visions are showing me over and over again

"Welcome to Vigrid, our final stop entry. Visas are required of all travelers. Please submit your Vigrid issued entry visa for inspection upon disembarking. Please make sure you take all your valuable belongings with you repeating this message"

The train message said as bayonetta looked at her watch on her chest, looking out at the window resting her gloved hand on her chin, letting out a hum. She got up and started walking up in  the ally like a model. While walking, she stopped on her tracks hearing a voice.

???: "You have arrived at last my dear the time has come to awaken The Eyes of the World fear not, my dear child such a beautiful young lady you've become ill always see to it no harm comes to you"

Turning around to see who it was, but no one was there, arriving at your destination, you look at the place

Bayo: "So.. this is supposed to be paradise"

☽︎Time-skip to where bayo is meeting rodin☾︎

As bayonetta was walking down the stairs, she saw a red portal in the middle come to find out rodin was coming out of it

Rodin: "I knew it. This town's teeming with heavens little helpers. it's making my buddies downstairs awfully nervous"

He said, having a halo around his finger bayonetta, raising her glasses up

Bayo: "And your point is?"

Rodin: "Some places in this world are closer to Paradiso or Inferno. The rathole of a town you and I live in is closer to both, but the Vigridians they got this special air about 'em they're closer to Paradiso than anyone should ever be and thay shit just plain creeps me out"

He explained

Rodin: "Heh, I guess I'm gonna have to set up shop here and score me some halos. These stupid rings are worth a fortune back home"

Tucking the halo in his jacket

Rodin: "Since it seems you're spoiling for a fight, if you come across any of these, bring 'em to me, and I'll hook you up"

Bayonetta scoff

Bayo: "another one looking to line his pockets. Huh, I'm beginning to see why Enzo is so fond of you"

Rodin: "Real cute, but let's get one thing straight. Your fights are yours alone. I'm only here to watch my handiwork in action, so don't get any bright ideas about coming to me for help"

Bayo: "No, you get one thing straight I not the slightest bit interested in the fact that you made these guns"

Saying this, she pointed her gun at rodin

Bayo: "If you get in my way, I will. How do the americans put it? Oh yes, bust a cap in yo' ass"

Rodin: "Right on, baby, right on"

Snapping his fingers, he went down to gates of hell laughing to himself darkly. As she was going where she was heading, she run by the water fountain flowers sprouting quicker, she heard a noise looking up she sees angels coming at her once again, reaching a back of her head getting her guns leaving red sparkles rasing her glasses with her new guns getting into her stance ready to fight them again. After fighting the smaller angels, she summoned Gomorrah.

Bayo: "AVAVAGO!"

Summoning him, it roared loudly, biting the angel it, chewing it into bits.

☽︎Time-skip to bayonetta is seeing visions☾︎

Going down the trail, taking you to a familiar place like you've been here before looking at yourself, you notice your appearance it was different from your current costume seeing two umbran women running shooting at something.

Umbra women: "What are you doing!? Let's go"

Looking over, she sees a way larger angel that is way different from the others

☽︎Time-skip to bayonetta done defeating the creature☾︎

Bayonetta looked up from her hazy state she continued her walk, walking up the bridge. A large hand grabbed it, making bayonetta wobble a little, moving the whole bridge back and forth, shooting the thing it throwed the whole bridge, jumping on the ledge just in time running down the stairs the same angel was not giving up just yet trying to grab her the whole thing crumble to the ground. Finally, she weaked the thing she used one of her inferno demons.

Bayo: "AVAVAGO!"

As Gomorrah was summoned, it slammed the angel against the wall, killing it in an instant  and eating it after.

A/n: Well, that was chapter one

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

A/n: Well, that was chapter one. I'm writing my lollipop chainsaw story right now, so I hope you guys see that one when it is published, like always I'll be seeing you in the next chapter bye my umbran readers

Word count: 984

𝐅𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 | Bayonetta reader insertNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ