Episode 1: Plot

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The camera fades to see a full office of people working. Cut to the  office of WinterStorm.  We see Winter typing on her computer, with her leg bouncing up and down in a constant motion. She notices the camera and looks up, gives an awkward smile and gives a small wave.


"Um, Hello, I'm WinterStorm. I'm one of the higher ups at Ego co. I work side by side with a man named Darkiplier. To be honest I don't know why Cooperate said the cameras was a good idea but who knows. I'm not the one in charge they are." Winter says looking at the camera nervously.


The camera cuts to Darkiplier walking in. He looks at the camera crew with surprise. "Oh, I didn't know you would be coming this early. Well, let me show you around." Dark says fidgeting with his hands. 

He walks over to a desk that is near the front of the workplace. Sitting at the desk looking at some papers is a person with curly black shoulder length hair. "This is Max, he is an intern from a nearby college. He is our part time receptionist." Dark says. Max looks up at the camera awkwardly but smiles anyway. Dark ruffles Max's hair. "He's a good kid." Dark says with a smile.

Dark takes the crew around the whole work place. His last stop of the tour was two offices next to each other. He knocks on the door closets to the front entrance. "Come in" a voice says. Dark and the crew walk in the office to see Winter looking a papers. She looks up to see Dark and the camera crew. She puts down the paper, and greets them. "Hello, how can I help today?" Winter asks. "I was showing the camera crew around the office, and yours and my offices were the last stop." Dark explains. "Oh well, this is my office, not really anything special except a few family pictures, but that it is it." Winter shrugs her shoulders really not comfortable with the crew intruding on her work. She gives Dark a look that tells him that she is irritated at the interruption.

"How about we leave the lady back to her work, and we head to my office next." Dark says understanding the face she made. 'I'm sorry' Dark mouthed to Winter. Winter pressed her lips together to make a small smile.

"This is my office, not much, but I make it my own, little private space to relax when things get stressful." Dark says eyes looking around the room. "Well, that concludes the tour of Ego co. I must continue my work, please feel free to introduce yourself to the other egos." Dark says before closing the door. 

Camera cuts to see Max talking with Marvin. All of a sudden a crash and dust fills the room and coughs can be heard. The camera turns and looks for the source of the noise and dust. When the dust clears there is a blue and red body laying on Unus, Annus and Hourglass' desks.

Dark and Winter both come out of their offices in a panic. "What the hell happened!?" Winter yells in question running over to the figure. "I was watching over the building with Mike and it's a blur but then I'm just falling from the roof, and here we are." The man with an Irish accent said.


"Hello, I'm Jakieboyman, I help protect Ego co. along with Mike to keep any dangers at bay." Jackieboy says with a tan bandage on his forehead. "Yeah, being a super hero is pretty cool." He says putting his arms behind his head.


"Jackie, how did this happen?" Dark asks while helping Hourglass get the ceiling debris off of their desk. "To be honest, I don't know." Jackieboy says scratching the back of his neck. "You don-, as long as you're ok." Dark says walking to his office and slamming the door. "Don't mind him, he has a bit of a temper today." Winter says with an emotionless face while looking at Dark's office door.

Camera cuts to Krissy messing with a pencil and looking out the window by her desk. She sighs and runs her hands down her face. All of a sudden Max comes up and places a small stack of papers on her desk. Krissy gets startled by the noise and jumps up to see Max wide eyed at her reaction. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Ms. Winter told me to give these to you, and to report back to her at the end of the day." Max said putting his hands behind his back. 

"Ok, thanks Max." Krissy says taking one of the papers out of the small stack. Max smiles and walks away back to his desk. Krissy looks at the paper in her hand and rolls her eyes and slams her head on her desk with a small groan. 


"Listen, Winter is a good boss and all, but sometimes she can be a little to much. Like this, she wants these papers edited, put into the report document, printed and on her desk by the end of the day. I can only edit like three or four reports a day. How am I supposed to do like ten more!?" Krissy says while waving her paperwork in her hand to show the camera. "I might have to work late, which is fine, but I have a life outside of the office. I have another job outside of the workplace, for Pete's sake!" Krissy says getting irritated by the second.


Camera cuts to the camera peaking through the blinds at Dark in WinterStorm's office looking over her shoulder at the computer, speaking in a serious tone. Dark looks up from the computer to see the camera looking into the office. Dark whispers into Winter's ear and looks towards the blinds. She looks to where Dark is looking, when she sees the camera crew she gives a small glare and raises her hand. She closes the blinds with one swift move and white wisps from her fingers.

The camera moves away from the office to Max's desk where we can see Max making eye contact with the camera but than quickly looks away.


"What do I think about having Winter and Dark as my bosses? Well I think they are pretty nice. They can be a little more stubborn with my coworkers and I than other bosses I have had, but that's what bosses are supposed to do." Max says while fidgeting with his hands.


Camera cuts to Krissy working on the last paper in the stack. Once she finishes she grabs the stack of papers and makes her way towards WinterStorm's office. Krissy knocks on the door, she hears a faint "come in" from the other side of the door. She lets herself in to see Winter typing information on her computer. Winter looks up to see Krissy standing there with the stack of papers in her hand. 

"I brought the reports you asked me to finish by the end of the day." Krissy says with a tired voice. She hands the papers to Winter while putting her hands resting by her sides. Winter takes a quick glance at the papers and gives a slight nod. "These look good, thank you, you are free to go." Winter says while taking out a folder with a label saying 'To Corporate' and putting the papers in it. Krissy says a small thank you while walking out of the door. Once she walks out of the office she has a big smile on her face and lets out a relived sigh. 


"She put it in the Corporate folder. Which means that at the end of the week Winter and Dark send all of the papers in that folder to Corporate and they look over it and use the best ideas for their projects. Which in this office, having your work going into the corporate folder is a big honor." Krissy says 


The camera cuts to Winter and Dark locking the doors to the office and walking away from the office talking. A weird noise is heard from inside the office. The camera moves toward the glass door to look inside to see a white light flowing spilling from the blinds of one of the main offices. 

A flash of light occurs and the camera cuts out.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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