chapter 4

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"Mom, Dad, can I ask you a question?" Cherry asked as she got a plate filled with barbecue sauce dripping ribs with creamy mashed potatoes, and her mother's famous macaroni and cheese.

"Is it about why we moved here?" Michelle asked, she had a thinking feeling that her daughter would ask that, Cherry had asked that when they moved before.

"N-No, not that..." Cherry said as she took a quick bite, unable to resist the smell of her mom's wonderful cooking as she nearly drooled with it being only inches away from her face. "Mom... Do you remember me... Spending Christmas away from home when I was a kid...Well, okay, younger...?"

Bud and Michelle blinked and exchanged glances with each other. Should they tell her or not.

"W-What do you mean, sweetie?" Michelle asked.

"Well, I've been having these dreams lately..." Cherry came clean, but didn't exactly bring up the pipe organ, she felt stupid for finding herself to be afraid of a musical instrument. "There was a castle... This beast... And this girl who loved books... W-We got trapped in the castle, and..."

Michelle smiled softly, after all these years, her daughter still had an overactive imagination. "Oh, sweetie, that must have been a childhood dream."

"A dream?" Cherry blinked to her parents. "B-But it felt so real..."

"Dreams can be like that," Bud smiled gently to his youngest child in admiration. "Especially when you're a little kid. You probably just got overwhelmed about moving again, that you were thinking of being a little kid again."

Cherry shrugged, that kind of made sense. "Maybe you're right, Dad..."

Bud chuckled in victory, making his wife and daughter laugh a little with him. The family quietly continued to eat their dinner. Little did Cherry know, those dreams were in fact real. They weren't just childhood dreams, they were things that had really happened to her. She really wondered though and since these dreams were set about three centuries ago, there could be no way of finding out for sure. After dinner, the family talked about a new school for Cherry to be going into and Cherry was a little nervous already.

Being the new kid in school was always a tough thing for someone to go through. For some reason, no one really talked with the new kid, it was like some law that was lay upon school grounds for the already familiar and old students. By chance or luck though, there would be a new friend and Cherry was going into high school already. The baby of the family was becoming a woman. 

Cherry still wondered about her dreams as they plagued her mind. Hopefully this Christmas though, she would actually be in a pleasant mood. She had always looked forward to the holiday break for times before, but she had the worst nightmares she could ever imagine. Why were they still haunting her year after year? At least she talked about them. Even now as a young teenager, she needed help from her parents and of course, the endless emotional support they could offer. Maybe hopefully by this December, they would go away and she could rest in peace for a change.

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