Chapter 9

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"Papa, can you teach me how to go 4 too?" Eri asked, as Izuku smiled at his Daughter, before hiting her in the Stomach with his Pinky, as she tried to regain her Breath, her Tail had grown, swinging around

"Sorry Snowball, but if you had known, you would've tensed up and that would've hindered your Tail" Izuku explains, as Eri wiped her Tears away

From then on, while at Day going to School, in the Afternoon, the 2 would Train, as Eri's High Potential would allow her Power to Grow faster than anyone else would usually, with her Tail she achieved all the way up to SS3 easily and Mastery over the Forms, as Izuku and Eri simply let their Tails hang around loose

Izuku 1 night decided to step up Eti's Training, as he gifted her his Potara that he had kept hidden, Izuku made sure to teleport her to a Planet with Moons but without any Life, except for Plant Life

There he would help her Train and Master the Golden Great Ape, as 1 Day, now 5 Months after Eris's Death, Eri had ginally Managed to achieve SS4

"Now what?" Eri asked, as she was hit in the Face

"DODGE" Izuku yelled, as Eri crashed inzo a Mountain, the 2 Saiyans being in the 4th Level, with Izuku's Pink Eyes looking at Eri's Cold Blue Eyes

"Hmmm your Fur is slightly different than other Super Saiyan 4 Furs, no matter" Izuku said, as Eri looked down at herself, oticing that her Fur is more like Red, but Bright, with a Grey-ish White Sparkle to it, when light hits her, Natural Light, from the Sun

In the Dark it looks like the Regular Red Fur that any other SS4 has

Izuku had also introduced Eri to Kota, after she Mastered the 4th Level a lot, to the Point that it basically only has the Tail as Weakness, then he taught her about God-Ki, including SSGod, yet she struggled with that

"Eri you will need Inner Peace if you want to reach the God form" Izuku said, as she tried to find that Inner Peace, but failed even while Meditating

Izuku also trained her Tail, to NOT be a Weakspot anymore, as she would often get grabbed by the Tail and lose all Strenght she had

Time till War: 2 Years

Izuku excused Eri by her Teachers, telling them that she is not gonna be appearing for a while

Eri was however currently on Planet Yardrat, meditating, trying to gain access to Spirit-Control and to find Inner Peace, yet the latter one was harder to achieve, she simply couldn't do it

"Papa said that this is needed for my Training, so I will do it, I will get stronger" she said, doing her best

Izuku simply smiled and appeared like that on the Planet, as Eri was done and achieved Spirit-Control and the Instant Transmission technique, she also managed to learn Healing a bit quicker then others, due to her Quirk, which is now a Senzu type ...

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Izuku simply smiled and appeared like that on the Planet, as Eri was done and achieved Spirit-Control and the Instant Transmission technique, she also managed to learn Healing a bit quicker then others, due to her Quirk, which is now a Senzu type Healing rather then Rewinding

Due to Spirit-Control Eri significantly catched up to Izuku's Level of Power, as now in the same Level they were pretty much Equal

Time till War: 1 Month

Izuku had finally mastered SSRosé and was challenged by Katsuki, since A.M wasn't possibke anymore, however, Katsuki at this Point did very much surpass A.M and even the 9th Holder of OFA, with SS3 only

"Well come on then Deku, show me how Powerful you are, Mr. Rosé" Katsuki said, as he bursted into the 3rd Level, as he rushed at Izuku, who simply used the same Level, both going at it, but even then Katsuki noticed, Izuku was still Superior to him

Izuku simply kicked him on the Head, as both landed on the Ground, one on his Feet, the other on his Face

"Well come on then, whow me YOUR Forms" Katsuki said, as he transformed into SS4, as he watched, Izuku did the same, going SS4

"What, but how?" Katsuki questioned, as he was baffled that Izuku could go 4

"This form isn't that Hard to Achieve, atleast not the True way" Izuku said, as both Battled each other again, the Tie being in favor of Katsuki however, due to being more Accustomed to SS4

However, gor a split moment, Izuku turned God, kicking Katsuki into a Building Wall, then blasting him multiple Times

Katsuki tried, but couldn't block against all of them, as he was hit by every 9 out of 10 Blasts, after a few Seconds, Izuku stopped, looking at the Crater he made, seeing a knocked out Katsuki, Izuku smiled

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Katsuki tried, but couldn't block against all of them, as he was hit by every 9 out of 10 Blasts, after a few Seconds, Izuku stopped, looking at the Crater he made, seeing a knocked out Katsuki, Izuku smiled

Suddenly Eri appeared, being in SSJ, as she was trying to make the most of the Form

"Eri come here" Izuku said, as she did, Izuku then hugged her

"I'm proud of you" he said, as she simply smiled back at him, hugging him as Tight as Possible

'You might be the only 1, I will allow to Surpass me, one day' Izuku thought, as he could feel that something bad is about to Happen

End of Chapter 9


Hey Guys, DeathInstinct25 here. Wow look at that Eri managed to get all the way up to Super Saiyan 4 and now she is Training on Yardrat

Izuku is trying to teach her the ways of becoming a Super Saiyan God, but she fails, come on Eri, we all believe in you, you can do this

Oh Wow, Katsuki challeneged Izuku and was Inferior in Power, yet was better and more accustomed to Super Saiyan 4, well he still lost to our Hero

Next Time on My Saiyan Academia: God among Primates, The Fall of Heroes? A God Dies!

Don't Miss it, See ya

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