Head Canons!!

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My favorite Head canons from Bl1nkyPand@ on yt!! 

Head canon #1 [Last Life]
During Last Life Ren pretty much assigned himself the role of guard dog to however he had an alliance with. Like with Lizzie, Big B, and Cleo! If someone got too close to them he would like-Stand or sit in front of them and growl at whoever was there until they backed off. His ears would even flop down. And after whatever was happening was done Ren would get up and act like nothing happened. He did get a lot of pets behind the ears for that though. Whether he wanted them or not- mostly from Lizzie and Big B

Head canon #2 [Double Life]
When Etho and Joel go red during the life series they both tend to just, go nuts? Like a red name is suppose to bur more-And on Double Life they still did that to everyone else yeah, but also to each other?Because of their competitiveness towards each other at times they'd just threaten to go at the other? Or themselves knowing that they shared damage-They were maniacs, to everyone around them and themselves. No matter how calm Etho looked during it all-

Head canon #3 [Hermitcraft]
Bdubs and Etho are complete opposites when it comes to caring about what people think about them.Bdubs is the kind of person who cares about what most people think about him. Not wanting anyone to think he's a bad person or dislike him for whatever reasons.While Etho doesn't care what most people think about him. If they hate him so what? It's not like he likes them very much anyways-There are very few people that Ethos cares about what they think about him, while there are very few people Bdubs doesn't care about what they think about him. Polar opposites in this area.

Head canon #4 [Hermitcraft, Double Life mentions]
Tango has abandonment issues. A lot of the time when he's hanging out with Zed and Impulse and they have to go their separate ways Tango always tries to get them to stay a little longer before they have to go. Of course, he knows that they would never leave him permanently, but there's always that little voice in the back of his head telling him that if he doesn't spend as much time with them as he can he'll regret it when they're gone. And that little voice gets him a little paranoid about "What if they do leave me" Or "They'll end up leaving eventually, that's just how it goes." It's quite sad actually- And he doesn't just do that with Zed and Impulse no, he does it with all the Hermits. Just those two more than the rest. And with the whole soulmates thing with double life having split with Jimmy didn't help all that much.

Head canon #5 [Hermitcraft]
You guys know that little like, leaf- crown- thing Zed wears? It actually used to be a flower crown that Impulse made him a lot of time ago. But because it had been so long and with how reckless Zed can be over time the flowers just, fell out? Sometimes Impulse likes to put a flower or two back in it just to see how it will last. Though it usually isn't long.

Head canon #6 [Hermitcraft]
Impulse really likes giving and getting hugs. No matter what the situation. Especially from Tango, he says Tango gives the best hugs because of how warm he is.

Head canon #7 [Hermitcraft]
Once Grian gave scar one of his feathers as a sign of their friendships. He didn't think Scar would hold on to it but he has it on him 24/7! It's with him everywhere he goes. It makes him feel like he's connected to Grian even when he isn't there. He's debated on making it into something from time to time. Maybe a necklace or an earring, or maybe just fastening it to his hat, but for now he's just decided to always have it with him.

Head canon #8 [Hermitcraft]
Tango can change the way his eyes look. He doesn't do it often, usually leaving them with the whites of his eyes and red iris, though that's not actually how his eyes look naturally. Naturally they are competely red. But sometimes he changes it to where that whites of his eyes turn black because he's learned that people are a lot more intimated by him when he does that. So anytime he's annoyed with someone or someone's doing something that's not good for them, he changes the way his eues look to try scaring them.

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