"Oh, it's quite alright. It could be much worse," Adeline smiled sadly, looking around at all the lovely faces before her. She was lucky to have them. 

"Adeline, you are a March sister through and through! You are one of us, we are your family now!" Amy cried, gripping Addy's waist tightly. All the girls nodded and smiled, agreeing that they were now a family of 5 sisters. 

"And when Meg is a famous actress, we will never have to worry about money again!" Jo cried and Meg laughed, placing a hand on her chest. 

"I cannot be an actress!" She claimed. 

"They're not all fallen," Jo smirked, jumping up and pulling her hair back behind her shoulders. Amy jumped up as well, skipping around the room. 

"Well, I have lots of wishes. But my greatest is to be a famous artist and go to Paris and do fine pictures and be the best painter in the world!" Amy cried, and Adeline reminded herself of the beautiful drawings that she witness the young girl create throughout the months. 

"Isn't that what you want too, Jo? To be a famous writer?" Beth asked, snuggling up to her sister. 

"Yes, but it sounds so crass when she says it," Jo stuck her nose in the air as Amy smacked her arm. 

"I don't think you need to be ashamed of your ambition. It is a wonderful thing to have," Addy spoke up as she and Meg sat delicately on the couch. 

"I only want Mother and Father and us to all be together in this house- that is my wish," Beth sighed as the girls all stared at her. Amy mumbled something sarcastically about her sister while Meg shushed her. 

"What about your music, Queen Bess?" Jo asked. 

"That is just for you. I could never play for anyone else," Beth blushed, grabbing Jo's blanket and covering herself in it in embarrassment. 

"You must not limit yourself," Amy sighed, dreaming of a time when she could be an artist. 

"Mother proposed not having any Christmas presents this year because our men are suffering in the army. We can't do much, but we should make our little sacrifices and do it gladly," Meg huffed, ending the bickering for a moment. Jo cut in. 

"Meg, you don't have to play Mother just because she is not here," she groaned, throwing a pillow at Meg. Amy and Jo began bickering about something to do with Jo's boyish tendencies and they began throwing pillows at each other. This brought a play fight between the sister as Meg and Addy began trying to separate them. 

"I know you don't care about what I think, but you don't want your Mother to find you like this, do you?" Hannah interrupted, her hands on her hips as she emerged from the kitchen. 

"Of course, we care about what you think, Hannah," Meg cooed, kissing her cheek as the girls rushed from the floor to their beloved Hannah. 

"You're more family than wicked old Aunt March," Jo chuckled as Amy glared at her. Adeline remembers meeting Aunt March for the first time, being referred to as the "March family pet" by the old rich woman. She shook her head with a ridiculous smile. 

"Where is Marmee?" Beth wondered allowed. Hannah told the girls about a family not too far from them that needed help, and how Marmee came rushing to find out what was needed. 

"I wish she could help people at a time more convenient to us," Jo sighed, staring at the food.

Jo began speaking about her play, getting Amy to get costumes while she handed out scripts to all the girls. 

Amy rushes down the stairs as Jo instructs Meg to remember the new speech she wrote and works with Beth on the melancholy piano piece she had been writing. 

"Miss Michelangelo, can you rehearse the fainting scene?" Jo asked Amy as she complained that she did not want to hurt herself in falling. She fell gracefully into a chair. 

 Hannah refused to be a part of it while Jo pouted, trying to convince her to join. The girls all begin playing around, practicing their parts and putting on costumes. 

Marmee bursts through the door with a smile, but Adeline can tell she has been through a lot. 

"Merry Christmas, girls!" She opens her arms as the girls run into her embrace, loving every minute of their Mother's hold. 

"Marmee, are you freezing? Come have some tea!"

"Hannah and I made these cakes!"

"I finished the sewing,"

"Wait until you see my new portrait!" 

The girls all rushed Marmee into the home, bringing her towards the table, though Adeline stayed behind. She watched the group converse and smile, excited to start their breakfast. Marmee looked up at Adeline, frowning as she did not join them. She stood, approaching the girl. 

"Addy, what's wrong dear?" She said softly. Addy's eyes flooded with tears. 

"You have such a wonderful family, Marmee. I just wish I had one too," Adeline cried, letting a tear slip. Marmee grabbed onto the girl, hushing her sobs. 

"My sweet girl, you are a part of this family. Isn't she, girls?" At this point, the four sisters ran to grab Adeline, tears filling their own eyes. 

"Of course! We already told her that she is one of us March sisters!" Meg cried, holding onto Adeline's hand. That gave Marmee an idea. 

"You're absolutely right, Meg. In fact, my dearest Adeline Bennett, would you consider calling yourself Adeline March?" Marmee grabbed Addy's shoulders, looking into her eyes. 

"Really?" Addy asked. She had a million thoughts running through her head as she thought about this. If this was truly going to be her life from now on, she had thought that having the March women as a family was the best deal she could get. The four sisters watched expectantly as Hannah stood behind them, a hand on her heart. 

"I guess... I guess you can call me Addy March, now," Adeline smiled as tears flushed again, this time of the happy kind. The sisters all crowded together, holding on for dear life as they celebrated the new addition to the family. 

AN: Hehe a March sister has arrived... but let's hope she's a Laurence soon enough ;) 

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