Chapter two (The ball)

Start from the beginning

"So you're a detective? Claire mentioned you, '' said Bruce with a serious tone.

"yes i am" "actually i was hoping you could help me with some investigation i'm doing. i'd really appreciate it"  i said hoping he would do it.
"Do you have any information about what happened to your friend Crane?" i asked bruce

"He was a really smart guy. I really appreciate his work as a psychiatrist,  but I'm afraid I can't say I have your answers" said Bruce with a serious tone.

"Okay sorry to bother you" I said while standing.

just when i was going to leave  "do you want to get a drink"  he asked while he put his arm out.

I wasn't excited, I didn't say anything, I just put my arm around his and we walked towards the bar. 

"whiskey, Please" said bruce to the bartender

" so, your father is John Gray? A smart man, just a bit self centered" said Bruce with a serious tone.

"Excuse me? How do you know my father?" i asked with curious look

"I know a lot of people, especially the ones that are corrupted," said wayne.

"You don't know him the way I do" I said while looking at him with an almost angry face.

"Your father is not what you think he is,"  said Bruce while taking a sip of the whiskey he had in his hand.

"Let's go dance,"said Wayne, trying to change subjects.
He extended his arm at me so we could go dance. 

"Why would I dance with you?"  i asked with an angry voice

"Cause, maybe I do have some information," said Bruce with a flirty tone.

I grabbed his hand and we went to the dance floor, Alex and Claire were also dancing. Bruce put his left hand on my waist and his other hand was grabbing mine. He was looking directly into my eyes while we were slow dancing.

Then all of sudden the lights went out and I heard screaming and gunshots, one of the guys that had a gun threw a yellow gas that went all over the house.

"go hide" bruce yelled at me

I ran towards the bar and hid behind it. I looked back and Bruce wasn't there, I grabbed my gun that was tied up to my leg then stood up to see what was happening. I could see well because of the gas but People were running and men in black clothes and masks were pointing at them. one of the guys saw me with the gun and tried to shot me but i bend down quickly, i stayed calm for a second then stood up again and shot him in the shoulder,

I heard men screamimg at the people "get down" .
I took a peak of what was happening and then I saw a man with black clothes, a cape and a black mask. It was batman.
Batman started to fight with the guys,  one of the guys came behind me and grabbed me by my arm. I kicked him in the leg and turned over, I pointed him with the gun, "get down" i yelled at him.
I turned over where Batman was and I saw him punching and kicking the men that were there.
Then the guy that was in front of me grabbed the gun from my hand and pointed it at me, I put my hands up and he grabbed me by my hair, while pointing the gun to my head.

"you think your fucking smart huh" said the guy holding the gun.

Then Batman appeared and took the gun away from the guy's hand. He let go of me, and the guy turned around and tried to fight him, he grabbed a knife that he had in his pocket, he went for batman's head  but batman dodged, batman punched him in the ribs and kicked him in the stomach and he send him to the other side of the bar.

"Are you okay?" asked Batman while giving me his hand to help me get up.

"yeah i'm fine" i said with a strong breathing

Just when I got up I saw all the people where standing, I was looking everywhere to see if I saw Claire. I turned over and I saw her underneath a table with Alex. I ran towards them and gave her a hug.

" Are you okay?" I asked her with concern.
"yeah i'm fine," said clair still shock at what just happened

"Are you guys okay?" I heard a voice ask.

I turned over, it was Bruce, where was he anyway? I wondered. 

"where were you?" I asked bruce.

"i went to call the police" said bruce

I looked at him with curiosity, then I heard the police sirens. We stood up and went outside, there were police cars and ambulances.

"Gray" I heard someone screaming, i turned over, it was jackson.

"Mr Windsor wants to see you," he said with a serious tone.

I walked toward one of the police trucks where Windsor was.

"Mr Windsor, who are those people?" i asked him while walking towards him

"i'm not sure, but what i do know is that they came here to kill the senator" said windsor

"Where is he? The senator?" i asked preoccupied

"That's the problem, we don't know, I sent some people to look for him in the house," said windsor. 

"he's not in the house, they took him"  yelled jackson

"Grey, I need you to find him, this is really serious, let's hope he's not dead," said Windsor, preoccupied.

I was so stressed about what was happening I didn't know were to start. We didn't have any clues I needed to talk to bruce.

I was walking to the limo when I heard a familiar voice, I turned around. It was bruce.

"i can help you" said bruce with a firm voice
"go tomorrow at old westfield park  7:30 pm sharp there's and old building there, he will have your answers"

"Who is he?" i asked with a confused face

"Just go, trust me" said Bruce while walking away.

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