They sent me back in the ER to wait for the doctor to come. The time felt longer with Tyler, while I started wishing for any doctor to come. Even Bella closed her eyes while lying on her cot, acting as if sleeping. Tyler kept apologizing, his constant pleading was getting on my nerves so much that I finally snapped.

"If you don't shut up Tyler, I going to rip off your tongue and then force you to eat it."

That silenced him up. And I sighed in relief as the pain in my head dimmed a little.

That's when Edward entered the emergency room, his feet not making any noise as he came to stand at the foot of Bella's bed.

"Is she sleeping?" He asked me, and Bella's eyes flew open making him smirk. She glared at him.

I braced myself for the pain in my shoulder, as I tried to sit up and froze. The pain had turned to a dull throbbing. As if it's been days after the accident.

"Nyra! What are you doing?! Lie back down!"

I did as Aelia told, too shocked to go against her. There's no way the pain just disappeared. This is not my fist time dislocating my shoulder either, last time I did. It hurt like hell, even after locating it back.

Did I got used to the pain?

Someone snapped their fingers in front of my face, startling me as I turned to look at the most majestic man I've ever seen. He was pale, tired looking golden eyes, matching with his collar-length blond hair. When he spoke, his voice held slight English accent.

"Looks like she had a concussion." He noted down on the paper clipped to his board.

"What? No! I'm completely fine!" I blushed hard after my voice shook. Calm down, calm down, calm down.

But he's too beautiful!

Carlisle's dazzling smile almost blinded me, and I was ready to go blind.

"How are you feeling?"

"Not in pain anymore." I admitted. I wasn't in pain anymore.

"Lying won't let you get better. After all you absorbed most of the impact while shielding Bella. Quite a risky move."

"You're crazy, Nyra!"

I ignored my sister.

"I'm seriously okay though." I quickly sat up, and jumped down the bed while swinging my bad arm with slight stinging pain.

The doctor looked shocked, as well as my sister. I turned to see Edward had the same expression. Bella was relieved.

"How? I heard it was quite serious." My sister asked in disbelief. Fingers probing on my shoulder to see if I react.

"The other nurses helped, since I dislocated my shoulder once befor. So it doesn't hurt anymore." I said as I smiled. When I turned back to Carlisle, I caught him sharing a look with his son. He quickly met my eyes.

"So, can I go home now?" I asked. Not wanting to stay even one second with Tyler. Or he'll eat my brain.

"My sister will take care of me." I quickly interjected, not giving him a chance to refuse. He was quiet for a couple of seconds, but nodded in the end.

"Sure, you can go home. But I suggest not going to school for a few days."

"Yes, sir!" I exclaimed and started to walk to the door while dragging my sister along. Just wanted to get out of here before he changes his mind. Edward passed by me in a hurry. There was a brief moment where he turn to glared at me before he turned a corner, with Bella jogging behind to keep up with his pace.

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