12. An Unlikely Savior

Start from the beginning

We passed by the main crowd, and I saw out of the corner of my eye two figures at the end of the stands. It was Becka glancing at me. She was too far away to see her reaction, and I only knew it was her because I saw Glen's tall figure standing beside her. He followed his girlfriend's gaze and saw me too, but they had soon disappeared from view as we ducked around the Shop.

"Are you okay?" Greyson asked, looking around the corner of the shop once before looking back at me. His hand had slid from my back and now rested on my arm, grabbing it softly.

"Yeah," I said, now hugging myself. "I'm fine. They just—I just don't like guys like that. I've never run into them much, Clay has pretty much scared everyone off."

Greyson pursed his lips. "Yeah, well, people in Omayle are a little more rough than here."

I nodded. "Noted." I cleared my throat slightly, taking a deep breath and mustering out the words, "Thank you."

Greyson seemed to have relaxed a little, and his signature smirk appeared on his face. There was a light on the corner of the shop that threw a glow over his face, but it was still dimly lit here. I knew I should leave before someone saw me here with my brother's archenemy.

"No worries, I'll be your knight, little damsel," he said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, sighing. "Shut up. Where've you been all night?"

His smirk deepened. "Didn't know you were so anxious to see me."

I ignored his words, continuing with, "How'd you see me back behind the stands? Why'd you even come over?"

He hesitated for just a second. "I saw Jennings and his group walking over and just assumed something was up."

I challenged, narrowing my eyes at him. "Why'd you come over, though? Wouldn't you have loved to see your enemy's sister walked all over by your own friends from Omayle?"

Greyson's eyes darkened. "They're not my friends. They're—they're bad people, Cory. You should stay away from them."


He exhaled deeply, his head dropping for a moment before pulling back up to see me. Strands of his hair fell in front of his eyes, appearing ebony in the darkness. "They're just devoid of anything that might resemble a moral compass. I've had some history with the main guy, Jennings. He messed with my sister once."

"You have a sister?" I asked, taken aback. I didn't know why I was so surprised, like I should have known anything personal about him.

"Just stay away from them. Please."

I frowned, hugging myself more tightly, my breathing still seeming loud in the quiet behind the Shop. "Okay, I will."

His eyes studied me, then he nodded once, as if relieved by my answer. I met his gaze equally, neither of us talking but also both of us not moving. The grip on my upper arm was soft, and his thumb brushed, maybe unintentionally, against the inside of my arm. Shivers lanced up into my shoulder, turning into heat as it reached my cheeks

Then Greyson was suddenly and harshly pushed away from me, and he stumbled back with surprise written on his face. Clay appeared, his arms coming back down to his side and he stepped in front of me.

"Get away from her," Clay said, his back tense and voice filled with reserved anger.

"Clay, stop—" I started, putting a hand on his shoulder, but he shrugged it away and cut me off.

"What the hell is going on, Cory?" he demanded. I couldn't see his eyes, but judging from the glare on Greyson's face, Clay wasn't looking at him kindly. "Why are you even here? I told you to stay home."

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