🪶62 - Just Destroy It (4)

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'Even Choi Han avoided this swamp.'

Choi Han had a pretty high resistance to poison. However, there was no reason to go through the swamp when there were many other paths in the Forest of Darkness while this path was messy and annoying.

Paseton approached Cale.

"It is really interesting that there are only two swamps in a forest this large."
"Really? I don't think so."

Paseton could see Cale's starting to smirk from underneath the mask. It was a pretty sly smirk.

"You'll understand once you see it."

Two swamps were enough. Cale verified that everyone had their masks on and checked their expressions. They had only been sleeping between 1 – 3 hours a night ever since they entered the Forest of Darkness.

"You all look so healthy."

Nobody looked tired.

"All of you really are amazing."

Paseton's face scrunched up at Cale's comment. He looked over to his sister and asked with his gaze.

'Should he really be saying that?'

Witira shrugged her shoulders and avoided answering the question. Paseton turned back to look at Cale, who looked to be the healthiest of the group right now.

Paseton then looked toward the Black Dragon and the kittens. They rushed over to look after Cale whenever they thought Cale was tired. Of course, Cale was full of energy thanks to the Vitality of the Heart, but nobody else knew about that.

Witira continued to caress the whip on her arm as she asked Cale.

"Young master Cale, is it our turn now?"

Cale pointed with his foot instead of responding.

Right there was the boundary between the outer and inner regions.


A plethora of noises poured out toward Cale as soon as he stepped past the boundary. He then proceeded to speak to Witira, who took a step past the boundary as well.


A humanized Humpback Whale. This ruler of the sea was not the type to be careful.

"It's your turn."


Witira flicked her whip as soon as Cale finished speaking.


A large crater was created on the ground from the flick of the whip.


The noises disappeared.

Witira, someone whose strength fell between Choi Han and the Black Dragon, was itching for a fight. Her heart had been beating wildly while looking at the better-than-expected skills of the group.

"Shall we hurry on?"

She smiled and asked Cale as this mysterious young master responded back with a completely relaxed smile.

"Yes, as fast as possible. I want to go home and rest."

Paseton let out a sigh after hearing what Cale had to say, before taking out his whirlpool sword.

The enemies slowly started to reveal themselves in the now quiet forest.

The boundary between the outer and inner regions was a location for monsters that were weaker than the monsters in the inner region, but the monsters in front of them were still much stronger than the so-called weak monsters outside.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin