her long black hair, straight by her sides, her bottom lip out pouting.

   I know kid, but I ain't exactly here to make you feel good, ain't my job!

   "then what is! why are you even here!" Leo shouted, Kate seemed quite offended. her face then broke, and a laughing fit erupted from her ghastly face.

   you're asking me! you made me, kid! I don't exist!

   Leo's head shot up, and drool fell from his mouth, creating a small puddle directly under. he had been sleeping. it was all a dream. but if it was then why did it feel like she was still there, a chill on the hairs on his neck?

   panic seized him and he sprinted out, banging and clanging along the walls and hard metal machines. he emerged from his secret base covered in sweat. his hair, sticking to his forehead. thank goodness his clothes weren't soaked, that would be not very pleasant. he looked in the mirror once more. his eyes looked puffy and bloodshot, but only enough if you looked really hard.

   "towel please" his toolbelt gave. he wiped his forehead and sighed. "Let's go and have some dinner" and he walked out.

   Jason's POV

   Jason found it weird Leo didn't show up for dinner immediately, nor did he find it exactly reassuring when Annabeth came back saying she couldn't find him. though he was always tinkering away at different parts of the ship. but for Festus to be wrong on his location . . . that was the weird part.

   he stared at his plate, and suddenly two beef tacos popped up, filled to the brim with toppings and sauces. exactly the way Leo made it. maybe all this Leo thinking was getting to him. 

   Leo was the happy-go-lucky mechanic of the group, he was most likely not in any trouble! he was either running around the ship, board, not realizing what time it was due to his work and ADHD. or, he was currently reenacting mission impossible with one of his machines, about to blow.

   though his nerves soon calmed as his elfish appearance appeared in the doorframe. he breathed a sigh of relief, then immediately questioned himself for doing so. why did he even have a reason to be scared?

   Leo was perfectly capable of handling things himself, even if Jason constantly teased him otherwise. he knew his way along the ship, better than 100% of the others on board, and no alerts or giant explosions had gone off. yet.

   he sat down beside Jason and soon he noticed Jason's plate. "I see you have a good eye for food huh?" he snapped Jason out of his thoughts. "oh- uh- uh-huh" he gulped, since when had he been so nervous around his own best friend?

   Leo shrugged and took a bite of his now-matching tacos, similar to Jason's. 

   Jason found himself staring more intently at Leo than he should have. from how his face felt so hot he was going to melt, he was almost one hundred percent sure his cheeks were red and as the feeling with Piper had gone, this was a rabbit hole designed deep enough to bury himself in completely.

   as you may be able to tell, Piper and he broke up, it didn't feel real, it didn't feel . . . normal. it was all Hera's fault. though there was no point dwelling on it now.

   but . . . something else was a problem now. the more he stared the more he noticed, his cheeks had a bit of a red tint, his eyes were puffy, and the hair around his forehead stuck together more than the other frizzier strands at the back. has Leo been . . . crying? no, of course, he wasn't. what was there to cry about?

   he was with his friends that loved him (okay maybe Jason a little more than most) and sure he was going on a great quest and may die, but the line said "the storm or fire the world must fall" and there was no way Jason was letting Leo die. he may be annoying but he was also Jasons best friend. not to mention, but every once in a while Leo's eyes darted over to a corner in the room, snarling when he thought no one was looking.

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