Padmé was in a conference with Captain Typho and Dorme. Jar Jar entered the room, followed by the three Jedi.

"Lookie... lookie... Oops!... Oh, dear, I'm afraid I've forgotten myself again."

Padmé and Typho rose as Obi-Wan, Mary and Anakin stopped before the Senator. Obi-Wan stepped forward. Anakin stared at Padmé. Mary looked at Anakin amused.

"It's a great pleasure to see you again, M'Lady." Obi-Wan said.

"It has been far too long Master Kenobi. I'm so glad our paths have crossed again... but I must warn you that I think your presence here is unnecessary." Padmé said.

"I'm sure the Jedi Council have their reasons."

She moved in front of Anakin and Mary.

"Ani?? Mary?? My goodness you've grown." said to the twins.

They look at each other for a long moment. Mary tried to stay serious.

"So have you... grown more beautiful, I mean... and much shorter... for a Senator, I mean." Anakin said.

Obi-Wan looked disapprovingly at his apprentice. Mary couldn't stand it anymore and laughed. Padmé laughed and shook her head.

"Oh Ani, you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine."

This embarrassed Anakin and he looked down.

"Hi Padmé, I'm very happy to see you again!" said Mary hugging her.

"Our presence will be invisible, M'Lady." Obi-Wan said.

"I am very grateful you are here, Master Kenobi. The situation is more dangerous than the Senator will admit."

"I don't need more security, I need answers. I want to know who is trying to kill me."  Padmé said.

"We're here to protect you Senator, not to start an investigation." Obi-Wan said.

"We will find out who is trying to kill you Padmé, I promise you." Anakin added.

He was done it again. He bit his lip in frustration and shame. Obi-Wan gave Anakin a dirty look.

"We are not going to exceed our mandate, my young Padawan learner."

"I meant in the interest of protecting her, Master, of course." Anakin said.

"We are not going through this exercise again, Anakin. You will pay attention to my lead."

"Why?"  said Anakin.

"What??!!" replied Obi-Wan.

Mary seeing the situation overheat, she put a hand on his brother's chest and said "Please Ani calm down, things will work out".

"Why else do you think we were assigned to her, if not to find the killer? Protection is a job for local security... not Jedi. It's overkill, Master. Investigation is implied in our mandate." replied Anakin.

"We will do as the Council has instructed, and you will learn your place, young one." answered Obi-Wan.

"Perhaps with merely your presence, the mysteries surrounding this threat will be revealed.  Now if you will excuse me, I will retire." said Padmé.

Everyone gave Amidala a slight bow as she and Dorme left the room.

"She didn't even recognise me. I thought about her every day since we parted... and she's forgotten me completely." affirmed Anakin.

"Don't say that brother, you know that Senators are always so busy, you'll see that as soon as we complete our mandate, you can spend time with her." said Mary, winking at her brother.              

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