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December 21, 2018

Seo-joon was sitting inside a restaurant his mom recommended they have for lunch after receiving the message from him last night. He was on his phone scrolling through his social media reading about how they were excited for his concert and the occassional hate he was receiving on top of his fame

" Sorry I'm late Seo-joonie. Traffic's been hectic lately" 

" No worries mom. I just arrived myself" They called for the waiter ready to order and placed their desired meal

" So what was it you wanted to talk with me?" Ji-ah smiled focusing her attention on Seo-joon making him surprised she was eager to know

" You sound eager" 

" Well I did tell you that I would show change for the better and it's the first time you've contacted me for once. Usually Minjeong calls me when she wants to eat with both of us" 

" It's Minjeong that I want to talk about mom" Her expression changed into that of worry

" Is she okay?" 

" She's fine mom and she misses you" Ji-ah felt relieved that Minjeong was doing okay

" And she also wants both of us to spend Christmas together" Ji-ah tensed up hearing what Minjeong wants. Seo-joon saw her tensing up and sighed

" You can't spend Christmas with us right?" Ji-ah looked down nodding 

" I have a business meeting in America on the 24th. It's for a big project that we're making and I have to be there for it to push through" The waiter came back bringing their food and a glass of water

" Minjeong shared that both of you don't spend much time together during the holidays, is that true?"

" It's true" Seo-joon was raging with anger inside having heard her answer but was restraining himself

" Mom you can't do that to her" 

" I'm sorry Seo-joon but in the past, the business wasn't doing so well and I got caught up in rising to the top that I ignored Minjeong growing up" 

" You know she didn't have a dad growing up mom. I was lucky enough to have dad be with me when you were working but she doesn't" Ji-ah felt Seo-joon's disappointment in his words towards her and she could only keep quiet because she hated herself for not being there for both of them

" Look mom, I'm not angry with you" Ji-ah looked up staring into Seo-joon's eyes

" I just don't want Minjeong to hate you for neglecting her. She doesn't have a father figure to look up to anymore and you're the only parent she has right now. Just make it up to her if you can and don't just give her presents. She's growing up mom and the first thing she needs is you" Ji-ah couldn't hold back a few tears hearing Seo-joon's words and looked up at him with a smile

" Okay Seo-joon I'll make it up to her and to you. I'm so sorry for leaving Minjeong in your care" Seo-joon nodded and started eating his food

" You should eat now mom before the food gets cold" Seo-joon remarked making Ji-ah smile brighter and both of them started eating with them chatting away the days they haven't talked with each other. Safe to say that Seo-joon's bond with his mother increased after today and are looking forward to eating together in the future

December 24, 2018

" Ready to meet the rest of the family Minjeong?" Seo-joon and Minjeong were in his car heading to his uncle's house. As promised, Seo-joon brought Minjeong with him to meet with the rest of their family and spend Christmas with them

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