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January 6, 2016

Seo-joon was in the Feel Ghood Music Company and was headed to one of the recording rooms to record and practice for their performance. Shi Jin left him alone to buy breakfast for him as he didn't have enough time to eat due to the fact that he didn't get much sleep

" Everything okay Seo-joon?" Namjoon was inside the room when he got in as he asked the question seeing Seo-joon look tired from his face

" Just tired hyung. Couldn't get enough sleep last night" Seo-joon replied sitting on the sofa next to Namjoon

" Mind sharing what made you stay awake?" Namjoon asked and Seo-joon let out a sigh

" Where to start" Seo-joon said 

Flashback to last night

Seo-joon just arrived at the company as he was called on for an emergency meeting. Both him and Shi Jin were on the elevator going up to one of the meeting rooms

" Hyung do you know anything about the emergency meeting?" Seo-joon asked him as there was no context about the meeting

" I don't know Seo-joonah but the CEO's voice sounded a bit disappointed if you ask me" Shi Jin informed as many thoughts ran into Seo-joon's mind. He was thinking if it was something about a new comeback but that could be done during the day not at night

" We're here" Shi Jin snapped Seo-joon out of his thoughts as they exit the elevator and enter the meeting room. Inside the room was the CEO, his secretary, and IU herself with her manager

" Seo-joon have a seat here" Jong han, the CEO, gestured to the chair in front of his desk beside IU

" You're here also noona?" Seo-joon whispered to IU as she nodded

" Jong han oppa called me before I could go home" IU informed as Jong han's secretary gave him the Ipad she was holding

" Seo-joon is this you?" Jong han said showing him the article of him and Wendy spotted at the restaurant together. Jong han slid his finger on the screen swiping to a blurred out picture of him and Wendy at the table

" Uhm I ah" Seo-joon rambled words not knowing what to say

" Tell me it isn't Seo-joonah" IU asked hopeful that it wasn't as she looked into his eyes

" It's me CEO-nim. Both of us were eating at a restaurant in lotte world" Seo-joon confessed as IU felt her heart ache upon hearing his confession. Jong han on the other hand sighed placing the Ipad on his table

" Are you dating her?" Jong han asked. Seo-joon quickly denied it by shaking his head

" Then we can deny the rumors about both of you dating" Jong han informed as his secretary wrote it down as a reminder to address tomorrow. IU was feeling dejected from what she just heard. She knew you and her were not a thing but her heart still ached at the thought of you not belonging to her

" Noona you okay?" Seo-joon asked her as he saw she was feeling uneasy

" Yeah I'm fine Seo-joonah" IU faked a smile making Seo-joon believe her white lie but deep inside her heart was hurting a little bit

" Seo-joon-ssi I'll look away for now since you're just a rookie but be warned rumors like these can hurt your career as an idol and you won't be the only who gets to face the consequences" Jong han had a serious expression on his face when he said it to Seo-joon

" Yes CEO-nim I'll be more careful" Seo-joon had an apologetic face on as he got the message the CEO wanted to say to him

" Both of you can go home. I'll address the rumors first thing tomorrow morning" Jong han said and everyone left his office. Both idols went to the lobby as their managers went to the parking lot to get their cars

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