- life -

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"i now know your reasons for everything."
"you weren't supposed to know anything."

Yunho walks closer and sits down near the hospital bed, taking Mingi's hand in his once again.

"why didn't you say anything about this?", he asks as Mingi lets out a sigh whilst shaking his head.

"because it's pointless to say anything about it. plus, you can't help to cure it anyways, so why bother sharing."

his answer and tone was cold as ice, something Yunho's not used to at all. Mingi's usual soft and warm voice had evaporated like gas into the thin air within a moment.

Mingi's eyes was blank as he stare at nothing. he seemed so soulless which saddens the whole situation even more. but that will not allow Yunho to simply let his friend give up so easily. he believes there is something he could do to bring back hope to Mingi.

"you could've at least shared your pain with me, Mingi."
"and what's the point for me to do that? this is my suffering to fight, not yours to interfere."
"but what are friends for if i wont lend a helping hand to a friend i know is suffering?"
"oh would you please stop it?"

this time, Mingi's tone was far more harsh. he finally turns his head into Yunho's direction, his eyes meeting the other's. sadly enough, both of their eyes were filled with tears that was threatening to drop in any moment.

"you can't always help me out, Yunho. life doesn't work that way and that's the unfortunate truth you've got to face. so please, stop this behaviour and just let me live my life the usual boring way without anymore help.", Mingi says sternly with pleading eyes. a plead to be left alone in the darkness.

Yunho shakes his head at Mingi's request. he refuses to leave the boy alone and just watch. he wouldn't allow Mingi to live a boring life.

"i won't do as you wish. i refuse. i want to make you happy, even if it's just for a short while, i don't care. you shall not face this hell alone."
"for 16 years, i've lived only for my parents. but as day passes, i'm getting tired and i wish to rest, once and for all. so please, let me be."

living with your parents as the only motivation to keep going was definitely weary and unfortunate enough, Mingi was at that stage in life currently. he genuinely hated that feeling to be honest but who is he to control such feelings? he feels life was getting too draggy at this point. no other words except exhaustion could perfectly describe how he feels right now.

Yunho squeezes Mingi's hand consolingly as he calms himself down.

"why are you trying to change my life, Yunho?", Mingi tiredly asks.

"i don't know neither. it's just that, from that very first meet of ours, there was this sort of feeling that rushed into me. it made me want to get to know you better, be close with you, spend loads of time with you which all i did and none of it wore me out. i love spending time with you, i enjoy being in your company.", Yunho stops for a moment as his emotions were starting to act up and cause tears to fill in his eyes again.

later, once he was calm, the boy continues, "so, please let me be a part and someone important in your life. i assure you, i'll help you change your perspective towards the world and see the beauty in it, please."

Mingi could only gulp harshly as hot stream of tears starts to run down his cheeks.

hearing the heartbreaking sobs, Yunho quickly pulls the crying boy into his arms, rubbing comforting circles on his back.

between the sobs, Mingi softly whispers "thank you," to Yunho.

"i'm always here, always."

till the last sunset | yungi | ateezWhere stories live. Discover now