- spook -

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31st October 2015, Halloween night, 7.00 p.m.

it's halloween eve already. throughout the whole day, everyone's been posting pictures and videos to show their moments on this spooky day whilst there's Mingi, locked up in his room doing his own activities.

the boy definitely lives up to his words ; "i don't enjoy parties.".

currently, he's heading down to have dinner with his family after being personally called by his mom. while walking down the stairs, aroma of the freshly cooked meals hit Mingi's smelling senses strong and it was a recognisable scent- his mother's cooking.

'no wonder she called me herself', Mingi spoke to himself as he was heading towards the dining table, where his family was waiting.

Mingi sat himself down and they blessed the foods before finally digging in happily.

"how's Yunho?", Mingi's father suddenly asks while eating.

for the past months of being friends with Yunho, Mr Song has never once asked his son about his beloved friend's well-being, until now which has taken Mingi by surprise.

his father looked at him while still swirling the pasta with the fork in his hand, expecting an answer.

"he's alright. why the sudden question?"
"you seem so close with him. way closer than your other friends you made."

'what other reasons would there be for such questions after all', he thought.

"i hope he's treating you well."
"he is. very well in fact."

Mr Song smiles at his youngest, feeling glad to hear that he's being treated nicely.

the dinner continues as usual, conversations were held along the way accompanied by laughters of the 4 family members. for the Song family, it was rather a splendid evening instead of a spooky one.


8.00 p.m.

dinner had ended a couple minutes ago, and Mingi suddenly wanted to go on a night walk in his neighbourhood for a bit. 

he wore his favourite pair of sneakers and a jacket to protect himself from the chilly autumn wind. his earphones were plugged into his phone, A Thousand Years starts playing, and off he goes into the neighbourhood.

as expected, the wind was cool just the way he had imagined it to be before leaving. but that didn't matter one bit to Mingi, for all he wants right now is just a calm night walk.

Mingi's phone buzzed a couple of times- someone left him a few messages but he wasn't bothered to check at the moment. tonight was somehow so peaceful for him despite it being Halloween.

he then walked up a small hill in his hood and there, he was met with the view of Seoul. well, not the entire Seoul but parts of it. the city lights were beautiful and the stars shimmering above him in the sky made the night spectacular.

the boy remained where he was, slightly leaning by the fence in front of him while taking in the view presented in front of him. the wind continues to be blown, hitting the tall boy's figure with its cold temperature.

until suddenly-


"how could he forget.. i'm not ready yet.."
"calm down my dear, i'm sure everything will be alright."

the door swings open.

"Mr and Mrs Song?"

the pair turned immediately by the name and rushed to the doctor. panic was clear in Mrs Song's face and fear was the only thing in Mr Song's heart.

"has Mingi been taking his medications?", the doctor asks with a serious look which had taken the mother by offense.

"of course he has! it's his priority right now why wouldn't he take it!?"
"well i'm afraid that he might've been skipping it. we weren't able to detect any medication in his system and his condition has relapsed to the last check up."

the only thing the old couple was able to do was shake their heads in denial and stare at the doctor bewilderedly.

at the same time, Yunho who was sitting a few chairs away widened his eyes at the word "relapsed".

yes, Yunho's there. Mingi had suddenly blacked out on top of the small hill and thankfully, Yunho and Mingi's parents arrived there on time. turns out, the messages Mingi received just now was from his mother, who was panicking when she noticed the hot pack she had prepared for her son to use on his night walk was still on the table and Yunho, who was informing Mingi that he was coming to drop off some cookies his mother had made.

both Mingi's parents and Yunho were at disbelief right now.

"it.. it can't be... why would he not take his medications... no! you're lying! Mingi wants to live! he wants to..", Mrs Song officially breaks into tears while Mr Song is trying his absolute best to remain positive and calm his dear wife down.

"i'm sorry. we'll try our best to get Mingi back into his old condition but he must stay in the hospital for a bit. in order for us to keep an eye out on him."
"of course. please, do whatever you must doctor."

"you may enter the room and see him.", the doctor then bowed and took his leave.

Yunho stood up and walked towards the old couple.

"Mr Song."
"i've, got no idea what to say... this is truly unexpected. i-"
"what is his sickness?", Yunho asks with strictness yet soft tone.

it took Mr Song quite long to answer, which was understandable. sharing your loved one's sickness to someone so freely isn't very easy.

"heart disease. he was born with it and gets especially weak during cold weathers.", the man finally opens up.

Yunho couldn't do anything with that piece of information but to let out a long exhale. all sorts of emotions but happiness was being experienced during this very moment. he wanted to scream, cry and punch a wall till his knuckles break but he couldn't.

he didn't had any reasons to lash out such way when Mingi's parents who's obviously closer with him, is in much more pain and distress.

yet still, why must such disease attacks Mingi at such age? it felt unfair and cruel for making one suffer since birth.

"if you want to see him, go ahead Yunho. we must make ourself seem happier before meeting him.", Mrs Song says between sobs.

Yunho was hesitant at first, seeing that action was rude but Mingi's parents assured him that it was fine.

he pushed open the door gently and was met with a sleeping Mingi. a heart monitor was beside him along with an IV drip. gosh, Yunho had never hated hearing the sound of heartbeat so much till now. he walked towards the bed and sat down on a chair besides it while taking the boy's right hand gently into his and caresses it.

"i guess there was a reason to your dislike towards parties." , he sighs.

just a moment later, Mingi woke up and tried to process the environment he was currently in, then it hit him- he's in a ward.

he exhaled a sigh, realising he must've passed out just now and was rushed to the hospital. Yunho who was now standing turns his attention to the conscious boy.

"how're you feeling?"

recognising that voice, Mingi rapidly turns his head to the right and was met with Yunho's face and only a single thought appeared in his mind at that scene-


till the last sunset | yungi | ateezOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant