- perfect and wish -

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a month had passed since Yunho and Mingi's first meeting at the launch event, and they had gotten closer day by day. Yunho would always start their conversation by texting the other first, asking him how was his day, what did he do and so on. their conversation flowed so naturally, as if they had known each other before, sometime in their sixteen years of living.

perhaps, in their past life?

anyhow, their chemistry is wonderful with each other. they laughed at each other's joke with sincerity, listen to each other's stories with full interest and understood one another's feelings very well. no other words could describe them other than the word "perfect". yes, it seems like an exaggeration but it is the truth. a truth that lasts forever.

today, 7th August 2015, Yunho is at the mall in the bookstore searching through all sorts of novels carefully to buy for Mingi's birthday that is in 2 days more. the boy searched through all sections from thriller, fantasy, comedy to romance but none got his attention nor interest to buy. maybe it was because he isn't really interested into books unlike Mingi but still, none of the books in that store stuck out to him. with disappointment, he left the bookstore and head back home with his chauffeur.

entering the home with an unsatisfied look on his face, Yunho's mother was quick to notice it as she welcomed her dear son home.

"what's wrong?", she asked only getting a sigh as a reply. it took a moment but shortly after, Yunho told his problem to the mother. "i couldn't find a nice gift for Mingi. no books were interesting enough to be given as a gift for him", he complained as the woman let out a hum in response.

"you have a lot of nice clothes you can give as a gift to him", she suggested but unfortunately the suggestion was quickly rejected by the teen boy with his reasoning ; "that's too common and there is nothing special to it to be considered as a gift. the gift needs to be special and meaningful". the mother could only chuckle upon hearing her son's reasoning. he was never this careful when searching for a gift for someone, not even for herself!

this sight of Yunho wanting to find a perfect present was somehow really cute for the mother. the teen had always been caring and thoughtful of everyone around him, especially the ones he loves most but it has never gotten to the point where he'd get stressed out over a present to give.

the house was silent till Mrs Jeong spoke up to give out another suggestion which she hoped would be taken into consideration by her son. "give him a bouquet of flowers", the mother suggests as Yunho gave her a questionable look that just says "what?". "why flowers?", Yunho asks with the same expression but received a scoff from the elder woman who then replied, "why not? flowers are not supposed to be given only to girls, boys deserves them too" and with that, Mrs Jeong turned around and headed upstairs into her room leaving Yunho alone sitting on the long sofa in the living room.


the date shows it is 9th August 2015, Mingi's birthday. there was no huge party being held today since as mentioned before, Mingi simply dislikes it. instead, it is just a small simple celebration with Mingi's family and Yunho, who's arriving in a couple minutes more.

some might think that this celebration sounds boring with the amount of people who are there but to Mingi, lesser is much better than inviting a whole bunch of people who you just know for the sake of business and not because of relationship you actually have and care for with them. that was much worse than having small amount of guests to celebrate your existence.

the birthday boy sat at the alcove of his room, reading his novel as usual while the natural light produced by the sun from outside shone into his room and lit it up beautifully. it was a beautiful day today, the sky was blue and clear, the plants were colourful and the wind was neither strong or weak. everything was perfect today.

as he read his novel, he took a sip of a warm chamomile tea made by one of the maids of the house. the same mildly sweet taste of the tea he always tastes, filled his mouth and it never fails to make him feel better. the maids are the only ones he trusts in making the tea taste perfect, not too sweet nor bitter. just perfect.

before he could turn to the next page of the novel, Mingi was disturbed with a knock on his bedroom's door.

"come in!", he allowed and the door opened, revealing his father.

"Yunho's here, let's head down and celebrate your birthday son", the man says and Mingi complied. the boy set down his book on his small table located right next to his alcove and followed the father downstairs, where he saw a tall boy with black coloured hair with his white short sleeved shirt tucked into the denim jeans and a black denim jacket with doodles at the back of it worn on top of the shirt.

it was his dear friend, Yunho with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. the tall boy looked up to him who was standing at the staircase and my oh my, Yunho looked so handsome when dressed up casually with his bangs let down, covering his cute eyes a little. Mingi felt like his heart stopped beating for a moment, seeing Yunho like that.

Mingi quickly walked downstairs and greeted Yunho with a hug, mindful of the gorgeous bouquet of sunflowers, gardenias and lilacs that seemed so fragile to be touched.

"happy birthday! may you live happily and may your wishes comes true!", Yunho wishes as Mingi smiles and thanked him for the wish.

"and.. this is for you! it's not much but, hope you like it", the tall boy says while handing out the beautiful bouquet to Mingi who took it carefully, not wanting to hurt or destroy it even a tiny bit. Mingi looked closely to the bouquet, checking every little details on each flower. it was put together so nicely, the colours of the three different flowers matched so well.

the vibrant yellow colour from the sunflower, the pure white colour from gardenia and the soft purple colour from lilac was so nice for Mingi to look at. it was arranged nicely, you could tell it was made with much love, sincerity and care. which made it much better and beautiful than it already is.

"thank you, i love it very much!", Mingi expressed happily. bright smile plastered on his face making his eyes turn into tiny little crescents. hearing the response and seeing the happiness that spread across Mingi's face just easily made Yunho happy too.

the two chatted together and exchanged laughters in the living room of the Song's household. they talked as if there was no tomorrow but stopped as Mingi's parents called them from the dining room, ready to start the celebration.

so they walked together towards the dining area where the two elderly couple are at with Mingi's older brother, the housekeepers, maidens and cooks who are close to the birthday boy. everyone surrounds the long table, leaving some space in the middle where the birthday cake is placed at for Mingi who then stood there, facing the lit up cake.

shortly after the father counted "1,2,3", everyone sang the birthday song in harmony for Mingi who smiled shyly, still not quite used by the attention he's receiving today during this exact moment. once the song ended, Mingi closed his eyes with his hands clasped together. he made a wish, a same one he always asks for every year on this date but this time, with more hope and faith compared to previous years.

"i wish to have a forever companion who will stay loyal, care and love me forever".

with that, he opened his and blew out the candles as everyone applaud and wished him for a long-lasting, joyful life. Mingi smiled and thanked them for the kind wishes.

it was the least he could do.

till the last sunset | yungi | ateezTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang