My fault pt.2🌼💔(?)

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The town was pretty much back to normal, only we knew what actually happened.

They military had somehow covered it up.

Almost everyone cut contact with me, they probably thought I was insane and everything else, except Dustin.

Dustin stayed by me the whole time. We don't really hang out a lot at school but he talks with me more than anyone else.

I was planning to just sit in my room until I eventually died but my parents threatened to send me to the mental hospital if I didn't get my act together so here I am.

I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling as Eddie's favorite songs played loudly through the boom box on my nightstand, drowning out my parents yelling from downstairs.

"He needs help!"

"It's just a phase he'll grow out of it!"

I turned to up louder not wanting to listen to them argue anymore.

"Why can't I just die already..?" I mumbled.

All of a sudden the lights started to flicker and my boom box started to sound weird.

I quickly sat up and backed up against the wall.

"Do it then." I heard a deep voice say.

"W-What..?" I asked scared.

"Do it Y/n, just die already. You killed me, you deserve to." It was Eddie, he was standing infront of me just how I left him.

"I-" I couldn't talk, I couldn't breath, I was frozen.

"You could have helped me, but you left me Y/n, you left me to die." He said, his eyes stared at me with the same emptiness as before.

"I-Im sorry.. I tried.. they wouldn't help me!" I yelled tears blurring my vision.

He scoffed, "Yeah right! You didn't even try! It's your fault I'm dead Y/n! all your fault!" He yelled at me his voice sounding more distorted at the end.

I covered my face sobbing into my knees as I held them close, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," was all I could say over and over again.

The lights went back to normal and the boom box started playing normally again just quieter.

I eventually did calm down and looked up again the vision of him once again in my head after I worked so hard to get rid of it.

I sighed wiping my face before I went downstairs and grabbed the phone dialing Dustin's number.

"Dustin Henderson speaking." He answered.

"H-Hey Dustin, it's Y/n. I need your help." I said.

"I'll be over in 5." He said.

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