23-Not the end of the world after all

Start from the beginning

Yesterday was kinda awkward. I let Myung join us in my car. It was really awkward. The other ones didn't want to utter a word. They just stared at him coldly.

Ezra was the worse through. He was scaring Myung with his penetrating stare. He even dared to go as far as to kiss me in front of Myung just to get a reaction out of him.

Obviously, he was uncomfortable with everything but he didn't say anything.

I mean I didn't say a thing to them that Myung was joining us so I guess that's pay pack.

To our surprise, Myung joins us. So, we all get to school all together with Myung this time. I'm literally the only one that's talking to him. Awkward...

As usual, everyone stares at us, especially Ezra and I. They are mostly bothered by our hands locked together.

It's when we approach the guys that their eyes shoot fire gazers at us once they notice Myung around us. Leo and Aaron immediately go in our direction enraged by this.

Then, suddenly, I get approached by a figure I didn't hope to see. The principal...I thought he wouldn't talk to me. Here's there for me right?

The guys stop what they were about to do as soon as they notice the principal. They smile awkwardly.

"Hi, Mister Sanchez!" The principal can only shrug at Leo's attempt to be nice. I guess he knows what the guys were about to do.

"Good morning Gonzales. Hope you're not looking for trouble this morning?" Oh, he does know. Leo immediately panics.

"No, no sir! We weren't thinking about that. We are just about to discuss our new game plan! Right, Nick?" Myung wants to say something in return but I decide I'm not taking their side.

"Nah don't listen to him. He's spouting nonsense. We never do this in the mornings." Leo's fake smiling face drops and Aaron grits his teeth in anger.

"Oh, is that so?"

"No! He's just playing with you, sir!"

I notice Ezra is laughing at the scene and Taylor and Luke are just silently watching. Same thing for Myung. Leo is literally glaring through Ezra's soul but it doesn't phase him because he laughs even more.

"Mm, anyways I'm not here for you Gonzales. A word Breckner?" F**k, I hoped Leo could keep this up longer. I don't want to talk to the principal.

"Oh..." The two guys look defeated but then Leo grins.

"Yes sir..." I throw a look at Ezra one last time and mouth good luck. I smile despite everything.

I notice the principal nods in respect at Ezra. Huh? Why is that? I was sure the principal didn't like him all that much.

Then, I finally follow the principal to his office. We walk some more before we arrive.

"Have a seat."

The atmosphere is so tense..gosh I'm scared of what he has to say. I'm not afraid of a lot of people in life but I'm sure I am scared of Mister Sanchez the principal. Terrified even...

He is a tall tanned skin man with a threatening aura. Despite it all, he's nicer than he looks but I know what he's capable of too.

"You are probably wondering why I brought you here?"

"Um, yeah?"

"First of all, you are not in trouble. I know you're thinking that." I'm not in trouble? How is that possible?

"Well, we all know about that photo posted online.."


"First and foremost, I didn't expect that news on a Monday morning but I am disappointed you didn't take the matter into your own hands."

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