60. Prince Of Doorknobs

Comenzar desde el principio

"No, the Martells are princes of Dorne." Alyssa corrected.

"But I'm a princess and Dae is a prince and Vis is a prince... sooo." Davina stared up at Alyssa confused.

"Welcome to the capital." Baelon declared stepping forward. "The King is engaged in some pressing business but I assure you my family and I will give you the royal treatment." Baelon told them.

"That's prince Tommen." Alyssa said crouching next to Davina. "You can all play together."

"Princess, so lovely to see you again." Davina and Daemon stared at each other before looking to the Martells. Viserys was perfect as always, proper and polite. Davina and Daemon... less so.

"And this is Tommen." Davina marched up to him and Alyssa had a slight moment of panic.

"I'm Davina." She introduced "and I'm in charge." Viserys choked back his laughter as Tommen stared back at Davina.

"I'm Tommen." He answered.

"I know. I listen. Do you?" Davina asked.

"You are in charge." Tommen answered.

"Okay." Davina declared satisfied as she grabbed Tommen's hand pulling him along. "Come on Dae!" Davina shouted. Daemon chased after them.

"Well that went better than I thought." Alyssa whispered.

"Please, this way." Baelon offered leading the rest of the martells inside.

"Your daughter is quite the little spit fire."

"She is going to be hell for husband one day." Baelon mused and Alyssa pinched his arm.

"Davina is... selective." Alyssa countered. "She likes things her way-"

"No other way. It must be the Davina way." Baelon added.

"-She is a sweet thing but she likes to be in charge." Alyssa went on.

"Needs to be in charge." Baelon corrected. "But don't worry your son is in good hands. Davina truly is the boss here under the king."


"Yep I remember that. People still talk about Davina the boss." Tommen agreed. 

"I still like things my way." Davina agreed.

"The Davina way." Viserys laughed out and it was good to see him smile again. 


"Do you have dragons?" Tommen had asked following after Davina.

"Yep. Mine is Fury." Davina told him.

"Caraxes is mine." Daemon added.

"But Fury is better." Davina assured "Come on. You can meet him." Tommen was confused when Davina led him to a chamber and not the dragon pit.

"Is it a real dragon?" Tommen asked unconvinced. Davina turned around to face Tommen.

"HA!" Davina said before turning back around. "FURY!" Tommen looked around confused.

"You are lying I don't-" Tommen began but a black dragon came bounding out of the bed. He ran to Davina nudging against her. Tommen's jaw dropped. "WOW!" Tommen declared.

"My baby." Davina said hugging Fury to her. Tommen reached out a hand but Fury snarled at him and his hand jerked back.

"Fury doesnt like people that call me a liar." Davina told him confidently. "Care to take that back?"

"I think I love you." Tommen remarked. "i will never doubt you again." Daemon stepped forward pulling Davina behind him. Daemon stared up at Tommen.

"No." Daemon told him shaking his head. "Dav's mine." Davina chuckled.

"You are pet him." Davina offered. "Be good Fury. Tommen's my friend."

"Is he?" Daemon asked incredulously.

"Sure." Davina agreed.

"sure?" Daemon echoed staring back at her. "No, I don't like it." Daemon told her. "I don't think he stays."

"He's from Door knob, remember?" Davina told Daemon tapping on his head.

"I don't think he wants me to." Tommen said taking a step back.

"Fury sit." Davina instructed and Fury wiggled his butt. "Sit." Davina said again moving closer to him and he plopped his butt down on the ground staring back up at her waiting for further instructions. "Go on. Don't be scared." Davina told Tommen as she pet Fury's head. "See? He's my baby."

Tommen felt the heat radiating off of Fury's scales. It was magical. He looked to Davina, silver hair, piercing eyes and the confidence to run a whole carvery all at the age of three. 


"You remember when you were, five maybe six and you went to the capital?" Viserys pondered. 

"And demanded the enemy be eliminated, yeah." Davina agreed 

"The enemy?" Haezel questioned confused. 

"Spiders... then Helaena had a big ass spider at driftmark." Davina recalled and Helaena tucked her head down. 

"Do you remember what grandfather said?" Viserys questioned with a smile. Davina got up standing on her chair as she cleared her throat. "Drama queen." Viserys laughed out. 

"You heard the princess, eliminate the enemy." Davina declared her head tipping back, a laugh on her lips. Alicent loved how fearless Davina was. How remarkably comfortable she was in her own skin. 

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