"How thoughtful. Thanks for thinking of me, gorgeous."

"Always." I responded.

"I mean, not always. . . I don't always think about you because that would be weird. Um, thank you— Shoot, I mean you're welcome. I think? Oh god I need to shut up."

"Just when I thought you couldn't get even more adorable." He laughed. "How about we get going? I've got a perfect day planned for us."

"Okay, yeah. Let's go." I grinned, taking a sip from my drink.

As we got to his car, Alek started laughing. Either he's crazy and planning my murder or there's something on me. Did I miss something?

"Do I have something on me?" I asked in confusion, reluctantly looking at my feet. Please don't let me have toilet paper stuck on my shoes!

"You've got a little something right. . . " He lifted his thumb and swiped it along my bottom lip. "Here." He said in low whisper, licking the whip cream from his thumb. He licked it off!

After he touched my lip, I brought my hand up and pressed my finger against it. It was all tingly! I'm definitely falling for him. Yep. He's good looking, funny, he has a pretty laugh and he makes my heart beat really fast.

"Thank you." I answered shyly, lifting my head up high to look at his face. Normally I would avoid eye contact because sometimes it makes me uncomfortable, but I felt drawn to look at him! God, he's beautiful.

"Any time." Alek grinned, opening the door for me. "After you, sweetheart."

I sat down on the black leather seat and breathed in deeply after he closed my door. It smells so freaking good in here! It was spicy, woodsy and if i'm being honest here, it kind of turns me on a little. That's so embarassing to admit, but it's true!

"Alright, ready to go? You feel comfortable?" He asked, starting up the engine.

I wiggled my bum in the seat and nodded. "Yep!"

"Actually, before we go, I'd like you to send a message to a friend that you're on a date and give them these coordinates. I want you to feel like you have nothing to worry about with me because we're going to be driving a little ways away."

"Oh, okay. That would be nice. Um, do you want to maybe type it for me?" I bit down on my lip, holding out my phone to him. "I don't want to get the numbers wrong."

"Sure, gorgeous. What's your password?"

"It's 1111. Yes, I know it's easy but I'd hate to forget it."

"Well guess what? Mine's the same." He chuckled, opening up my messages app.

"Aw, did you put a heart next to my contact name?"

"No!" I yelled. "It's a-a different Alek!" I blurted.

"Well if it really is, which I don't think that's the truth by the way, I promise you will never meet an Alek nor anyone that will treat you better than I can. Not to be cocky or anything, but I like to think I know how to impress a guy." He smirked all sexily and sent off a message to Chris. He's my only friend. We're not very close so I hope he doesn't think the text is weird or anything!

It was quiet for a couple of minutes when Alek started driving so I kept my eyes out the window, watching the scenery pass us by. Why did I lie about that being his contact name? So what there's a little heart beside his name. I just like emojis, they're cute!

He got my attention the moment his hand landed on my thigh though. "This okay?"

"Yes." And much to my surprise, I set my hand on top of his!

Finding Mr. Knight (DDLB) | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now