Season 1 Episode 5: "Oath of enlistment"

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"CHARGE!" Hideaki yelled as he and the cemetery wind operators zipped forward

"I'll take these ones!" Biscuit yelled as she zipped from terracon to terracon slicing their heads off

Another group of terracons angrily charged at biscuit letting out shrill mechanical roars

Mikey backed her up as he fired thunder spears at the terracons feet causing them to tumble over each other creating a domino effect

"No! They're ruining everything!!!" Baroness exclaimed as she fired her blaster at the joes

Knockout with his speed charged at hound deflecting hounds blaster fire

Springer close lined knockout causing him to comically flail and fall to the ground

"Heh!" Bulkhead laughed mockingly

"AGH! You green waste bucket! MY PAINT IS SCRATCHED!" Knockout Whined

"Soooo vain... there's more where that came from!" Said Springer as he tried to roundhouse kick knockout but as he did knockout quickly grabbed springers leg in motion and countered his attack sending Springer flying

Bulkhead attempted to charge at him but was tackled by a group of terracons but quickly the joes began to assist him

"Who's vain now?!!" Knockout yelled

Knockout heard a whistle below him

It was Road Block

Knockout pulled out his blaster about to blast roadblock into ashes

"FIRE!" Biscuit yelled as her and the others fired their rockets and thunder spears at knockout sending him flying into the surrounding wilderness

"How am I even alive... ow... Megatron's gonna be fuming..... my... beautiful shiny red pain...paint... why meeeee" Knockout croaked

Knockout then noticed his arms and legs were missing and screamed before passing out

While this was unfolding a terracon pounced on Springer when he hit the ground

The vile monster let out shrill mechanical growls as it attempted to eat through springers chest to get his spark

"Don't worry, I got you!" Kyle yelled as he landed on top of the terracon driving his sword into its spark

The terracon let out one last cry as it died and hound was able to get it off

"Thank you.." said Springer sitting up

"Don't mention it! Now let's get back to work!" Said Kyle zipping back towards the enemy

"Affirm!" Said springer turning into his chopper mode activating his weapons laying hate on the hordes of terracons

The Joes and C.W continued their all out assault

Duke hurried into the building and was confronted by Zartan

"Your gonna have to get through me!" Said Zartan

Duke with no hesitation uppercutted Zartan before he could react

He had no time for such nonsense

Duke hurried and destroyed the cobra weapons and equipment and gathered the stolen documents

Duke signaled to the others that he got the Intel

"YOOO JOE!" Duke yelled

They finished off all the enemies as Zartan and the baroness escaped and a group of Decepticons sneakily escorted Knockout back to base

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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